An Introduction to Econ 5170/6170 Fall 2017 Feminist Economics An Introduction to Econ 5170/6170 Fall 2017
The Instructor Günseli Berik Professor Economics Department Office: Bldg 73/244 Office hours: Tu, Th 2-3 pm or by appointment
What is the course about? Part I. Introduction to feminist economics as an approach (a lens) and a field A critique of approaches in economics An alternative Part II. Study contemporary gender inequalities in how people secure their livelihoods, primarily in the US. Part III. Feminist economic strategies for moving to a more equitable society Policies: labor market, anti-poverty, work-family balance, macroeconomic policies
Texts Blau and Winkler, The Economics of Women, Men, and Work, 8th edition, Oxford University Press, 2017 Readings on Canvas and (books/ebooks) on Marriott Library Reserve
Requirements and Grading An evaluation at the end of each part (each worth 25% for 5170/20% for 6170): Part I: Paper “What is feminist economics?” Due (the latest) week of October 2-6 Guideline will be provided Part II: An exam Tuesday Nov. 7 Study guide one week ahead of exam Part III: A policy paper Tuesday December 12 Paper on one policy topic in Part III.
Requirements and Grading Short Assignments (20% Econ5170; 15% Econ 6170) Participation (a symbolic 5%) Various forms Econ 6170 students– In addition to above, a Term/Synthesis Paper (a survey on a course-related topic that is of use to you) 20% of grade Due during final exam period Canvas (check regularly) To be used for Class Outlines, powerpoints, guidelines, pdf of readings, links, Announcements, Discussions
Requirements/Expectations Syllabus is not set in stone (changes announced with reasonable notice in class and on Canvas) Show up on time, do not move in and out as habit Cellphones, pagers turned off during class Strongly urge taking notes by hand I prefer not to have laptops on
Syllabus available upon request