Revision & assessment ‘Uganda: A Case Study of a LIC’ by Owen and Witts 2017 and associated resources are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Starter: RAG the specification for this topic - Green = confident, Amber = need to briefly review, Red = need to review in detail The location and importance of the country, regionally and globally The environmental impacts of economic development The wider political, social, cultural and environmental context within which the country is placed An example of how the growth of tourism in an LIC or NEE helps to reduce the development gap. The changing industrial structure. The balance between different sectors of the economy. How manufacturing industry can stimulate economic development The role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in relation to industrial development. Advantages and disadvantages of TNC(s) to the host country The changing political and trading relationships with the wider world The effects of economic development on quality of life for the population. International aid: types of aid, impacts of aid on the receiving country An example of a local renewable energy scheme in an LIC or NEE to provide sustainable supplies of energy.
Lesson objectives Review the ‘Uganda - Case Study of a LIC’ topic Complete an assessment for this topic
TASK: Complete the revision poster on the next slide
Where is Uganda? Why is it important? What is the background to Uganda’s situation? What is the industrial structure in Uganda? How have political and trading relations changed? Uganda: A Case Study of a LIC What are the impacts of development on the environment & quality of life? What impact does international aid have? What advantages and disadvantages do TNCs bring? How has tourism reduced the development gap?
TASK: Exam question Answer the relevant questions from Mark scheme SMS.PDF
Reflection... How have you found this topic? Which lesson did you learn most from? Why? Write a WWW (what went well) and EBI (even better if) for this topic and stick on the board or the door to share your thoughts with your teacher.