Partnering in Damage Prevention Atmos Energy & Heath Consultants Pete Pedersen, Manager Compliance, Atmos Energy Blaine Cadieu, General Manger, Heath Consultants Robert Botello, Sales, Heath Consultants
Overview Work in tandem with excavation community Share a common vision of safety for excavators and the communities we serve Atmos Energy and Heath Consultants own the trouble locate process Review damages monthly to determine root cause in order to improve locate quality
Locate Quality Monthly meetings to review damages. Share line locate Audit information. Root cause analytics to improve overall performance.
Trouble Locate Process Unique contract for services. Utilize various technologies. Vacuum Excavation. Install marker balls, test leads & record locations to update GIS. Atmos Energy Damage Prevention Specialists work with Heath Consultants to solve difficult trouble locates.
Excavation Community Both Companies participate together within the Damage Prevention Councils in Texas. Meet together with excavators in order to foster positive relationships. Open lines of communication with excavators. Promoting safe excavation practices through local events.
Common Safety Vision Atmos Energy & Heath Consultants goal is to provide a quality locate to protect the communities that we serve as well as our employees.
Atmos Energy Damages per 1000