No more than 5 pictures. 2 minimum. Cover Page Title Picture – with web address underneath Name Hygiene 1 or 2 slides No more than 5 pictures. 2 minimum. All information from your notes page Headings Definition: 5 Things to do to have good hygiene. Why do we want good hygiene? Don’t forget to put the web address under pictures. Stop at the .com etc.
Exercise Slides 3 to 4 slides Definition of Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise. 2 examples of each. One sentence for each part of the FITT principle Frequency Intensity Time Type Don’t forget to put web address under pictures. Google is not a source! List 4 benefits of exercise. Health related fitness components – muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness – definition and 2 examples of each Pictures of exercise that you would be able to do. 4 pictures. Completed target heart rate chart Completed Presidential fitness chart Pull up chart from Sixth grade on library page. Highlight cart only Right click copy chart. Go to Power point empty slide and right click paste Fill in information