How to Prepare for Career Advancement Mary Colton, M.A., CPRP Recreation Manager, Town of Parker
Be Prepared! What’s your plan (where are you now, where do you want to be and what will it take to get there)? Establish goals - review and revise Failure is feedback – Take the risk, worry less about the outcome Just do it (Don’t file your plan in the “someday” folder) Know where you are, where you want to be and what it will take to get there To borrow Nike’s phrase just do it-Don’t file away a good intention in your someday folder Failure – Most people want to get back out there and do it better the next time and improve
Advancement to upper management Career Start Success in the middle Advancement to upper management Differentiate Yourself in the Talent Pool Win with Detail! Engage the Greatness in Others Develop Business Acumen Chart Your Course Focus on Relationships Raise your hand/expand horizons Self-Promote Hone Skill Set Build Your Brand Become Engaged! Find Strategic Alignment with Organization Emotional Intelligence Internal and External Mentoring Education/ Certification Resume, Cover Letter and Interview Skills Internships Conferences Develop Strong Leadership Skills Self Promotion – Share successes with your supervisor, provide reports, let them know the good work you are accomplishing Honing Skill Set – Continue learning and cross training, read the journals available through NRPA, AB, Recreation Management (Job specific skills, recreation mngmt. Software, scheduling, staff meetings, Strategic alignment with organization – Use your skills and talents to help the organization achieve its goals. Achieve and Sustain Excellent Outcomes Volunteer Networking