PowerPoint Presentation Science Fair PowerPoint Presentation
Presentation Title: Slide #1 Introduction: What got you interested in you topic in the first place. DO NOT WRITE IN FIRST PERSON!: Slide #2 Problem: Must be in question format.: Slide #3 Hypothesis: The possible answer from before your experimentation began.: Slide #3 Material: List form.: Slide #4 Procedures: List Form. Only use metric measurements.: Slide #5
Presentation Results Data Tables: Only use metric measurements. MUST BE COMPUTER GENERATED. (must write a credit citation) Slide #6(maybe more) Graphs: Only use metric measurements. MUST HAVE A TITLE AND AXIS LABLED. MUST BE COMPUTER GENERATED. (must write a credit citation) Slide #7(maybe more) Written Results: Paragraph Form that explains the data tables and the graphs. Slide #8
Presentation Conclusion Conclusion: Hypothesis was supported or not supported. Give specific results to support this claim. Written Results: Paragraph Form that explains the data tables and the graphs. DO NOT SAY HYPOTHESIS IS TRUE OR FALSE. Apply to the “real world” Further research Slide #8
Presentation Type an ABSTRACT: this is a summary of your entire project. See the Science Fair Web Site for what an ABSTRACT should contain. Slide #9 Type a BIBLIOGRAPHY: APA style, minimum of 5 sources, alphabetical order. Slide #10
Make it LOOK GOOD Upload pictures of you working on your project. Must have a caption of who took the picture. (Photo taken by student participant.) (Photo taken by: list name) Make sure that you DO NOT write in first person. The best projects will use Christmas Break to create a Science Fair Board.