By: Hunter, Hailee, and Makenna Annelida By: Hunter, Hailee, and Makenna
General Description Over 22,000 species of Annelida Vast species mostly known as segmented worms
Symmetry Have bilateral symmetry. If split in half, vertically, it would be a mirror image
Feeding Eats food through a lip like structure After being pulled into the mouth, it goes down the esophagus Then into the stomach
Circulation Have a closed circulatory system. Have blood, vessels, and heart Example: earthworms, leeches, ect.
Excretion Excrete their waste through the pores in their skin Waste excrete through the excretory organs called nephridium
By cells on their outer body which is heat and light sensitive Response By cells on their outer body which is heat and light sensitive Examples: Tapeworm and earthworms
Muscle cells (length of bodies) contract to move Circular Longitudinal Movement Muscle cells (length of bodies) contract to move Circular Longitudinal Ringed worms Segmented Chatae
Reproduction Reproduces sexually Reproduces asexually ew.
Respiration Gills Uses outer skin to exchange gas
Classes Biological Rank Phylum Higher Classification Lophotrochozoa Snail Lower Classification Polychaete Ditellate Leech