Owning your worldview presents: Tactics A Game plan for discussing your christian convictions By: Gregory koukl
***REVIEW*** The Columbo Tactic Part one: The Game Plan ***REVIEW*** The Columbo Tactic Columbo Tactic - Step 1: Gather Information. “What do you mean by that?” Columbo Tactic - Step 2: Manage the Burden of Proof. “How did you come to that conclusion?” Columbo Tactic - Step 3: Leading the Way Leading Questions
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Columbo is the most important tactic. All other tactics are built upon this tactic. Perfecting Columbo takes time and practice. You will need to know how to counter Columbo…others may use it against you.
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Getting “Ready” for Columbo: Anticipate what may come up in the conversation. Reflect on how the conversation went. Practice our responses before and after the conversation.
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Anticipate Contemplate the conversation ahead of time. Try to anticipate the other person’s objections and arguments. Brainstorm new ways to describe your point of view. Research any areas where you feel vulnerable or unprepared.
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Reflect After each encounter, take time to reflect on how the conversation played out. Determine where you did well and what areas you fell short in. Seek additional information you were lacking in the encounter. Ask a friend to evaluate the conversation.
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Practice Practice all new ideas and presentations before using them. Role play your conversation with a friend who will provide constructive criticism. Practice will build confidence and familiarity so that you will sound more sure of yourself than you may feel on the inside.
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Two things to build your confidence when challenged: Preparation - you will know your own point of view and this brings comfort and familiarity with the subject. The other person may not be as prepared as you are and that will make them unsure of their positions. Experience - nothing builds confidence like experience. As you do this more and more you will become more confident in your abilities and your worldview.
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Defending Against Columbo Someone may start using Columbo against you in a conversation. There is no harm is the other person using Columbo steps 1 and 2. They are just clarifying your position. The only place you may get tripped-up would be if they start asking leading questions.
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Remember, if the other person starts asking leading questions you can respond in three ways: Ask them to state their own point of view first so that you can better understand their question. Ask them to reframe or reword the question for you. Tell them you aren’t clear on how to answer the question and ask to come back to it after you have had a chance to think about it.
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Challenges dressed up as questions (stealth challenges). “What gives you the right to say someone else is wrong?” This is really a challenge…to be more clear it should be reworded “You don’t have the right to say someone else is wrong.”
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Countering “What gives you the right to say someone else is wrong?” “Are you asking about my personal rights?” “Are you asking about my personal credentials?” “Are you suggesting I am wrong to point out others are wrong?”
Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Part one: The Game Plan Chapter 6: Perfecting Columbo Sheepish in Seattle Pages 99 to 103.