Michael Harris, Director of Licensing CLUB SPORTS SENATE FEBRUARY 2017 Michael Harris, Director of Licensing
LICENSING OFFICE Approval of all items with the University Logo, Seal or Razorback Enforcement – Unlicensed product, counterfeiting, unapproved use of marks by companies Contracting of all licensees through CLC The Licensing Program 3,000 Licensees 3.5 million items sold last year Apparel makes up 65 percent of all sales T-shirts and Hats are the biggest products Women’s market is the fastest growing apparel segment
TRADEMARKS Trademarked words include: Arkansas ® Razorbacks® University of Arkansas® Arkansas ® Razorbacks® Wooo Pig Sooie ® Wooo Pig ® Pig Sooie ® Go Hogs™ Hogs™ Note: The appropriate “cardinal” is the color PMS 201.
CLUB SPORTS PROCESS When a design includes a trademark: The design must be emailed to the Club Sports Administration. The Club Sports Administration will work to gain approval. Approval is required before any items are ordered.
LICENSED VENDORS Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) manages all marks associated with the Department and University. It is necessary to use vendors (local or national) that are licensed through the CLC to print/produce items with licensed words or marks. A complete list of licensees and their contact information is available by contacting the Club Sports Office. Limited circumstances, like uniforms, when a club may use a non-licensed vendor: Extremely uncommon item (e.g. cycling jersey, triathlon) Not for resale Case-by-case basis and is ultimately approved by the Licensing Office. Work ahead with the Club Sports Office. Vendor at minimum will need a one-time license You cannot be directly charged for the cost of the license (has to be included in the cost of the item.
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Hog or “Arkansas or Razorbacks” word marks and Name of the Club Must include the word “Club” on the item. This is to help distinguish club teams from Athletic teams. EXAMPLE: Quidditch club wishes to use the Hog on their jersey as well as include the word “Quidditch”, the jersey must include “Club” before or after “Quiddtich”. Using the Hog Is allowed if no business (through donation or sponsorship) is marketed with the club. The Hog is a visible mark for the University/Athletics and thus only businesses who have a specific sponsorship agreement with athletics may use it. EXAMPLE: Shotgun Sports Club wishes to create a shirt for their club members to wear and would like to put a sponsor’s logo on the shirt to thank them for their sponsorship, the Hog may not be used anywhere on the shirt. The words (NOT THE WORD MARKS) “Arkansas” and “Razorbacks”, however, can be used. Royalties Royalty fees only apply on the initial order (typically covered by the business or passed on to the club through price per item).