Do you have items prescribed for a minor condition which could be obtained from the Pharmacy or Supermarket?
NHS England has advised that GP practices should no longer routinely prescribe items for certain minor conditions.
This includes treatments for minor conditions such as colds, hay fever and nappy rash plus some vitamins and minerals.
Why is this being recommended? Processing prescriptions for these items can cost the NHS 20 times the price of a patient buying it at their local pharmacy.
Prescribing items for minor conditions adds additional strain to local GP practices and the NHS. Obtaining items from a pharmacy will save you time as well as freeing up appointments for patients with more serious conditions.
How much do these medicines cost? A pack of paracetamol costs around 35p and it’s about £2 to £3 for antihistamines.
Some over the counter medicines will still be prescribed for:
Patients needing them for long-term or more serious conditions or; where a doctor thinks a patient is not able to self-care.
In Northamptonshire the NHS spends around £5 In Northamptonshire the NHS spends around £5.4 million a year on items for minor ailments. This money could be put to better use to support vital healthcare that can transform lives.
Please be Self-care Aware