Tropical Berry Cleanse for Life Great New Taste! Great New Look!
Tropical Berry Cleanse for Life Proprietary Tropical Berry Flavor System Tastes GREAT - Naturally New Revolutionary Flavor Technology Isagenix Exclusive The Science of Flavor and Taste Exclusive Antioxidant Natural Berry Blend Bilberry fruit Blueberry fruit Raspberry fruit
Tropical Berry Cleanse for Life Added Nutrients: Ashwaganda Extract Supports liver’s role in cleansing impurities Powerful adaptogenic herb Helps reduce inflammation
Tropical Berry Cleanse for Life Added Nutrients: Yellowdock Root Extract Helps improve liver function Helps improve ability to purify blood Supports kidney health
Tropical Berry Cleanse for Life Added Benefits: Heart health Mental focus Liver health Kidney health Eye health
Tropical Berry Cleanse for Life Everyday Cleansing: 1 – 2 oz up to twice daily
Benefits of Everyday Cleansing Helps guard against daily toxins Protects against environmental stress Daily support to liver, kidneys, and colon Helps support immune system Supports mental focus and improved memory Helps improve digestion
Tropical Berry Cleanse for Life Deep Cleansing: 4 oz 4 times on Cleanse days