Curating the Palaeolithic: approaches to desk-based assessment and field evaluation Francis Wenban-Smith Lis Dyson Heritage in Practice CPD course University College London 30th March 2017 CAHO-Contracting Palaeolithic pre-construction archaeology Department of Archaeology
Introduction Our background and experience Background to the course CAHO- Contracting Our background and experience Background to the course Programme and timetable Approaches to the day Goals Outcomes
Background to the course CAHO- Contracting Background to the course Long (& increasingly) recognised need Most heritage professionals don/t have Palaeolithic expertise Lack of confidence in recognising/ managing development impact Avoid calamitous loss of wonderful things - consultations as part of eg. Stour project - highlighted in HE seminar “Curating the Palaeolithic” - highlighted in “Lost Landscapes” - HE 3A3/4G1 Pal/Meso activity team
Programme and timetable CAHO- Contracting Programme and timetable Introductory presentations Two case-studies: - DBA - field evaluation Case-study approach - principles presented - hands-on group work - reviewed/discussed Recap, discussion and curatorial surgery Timetable is a guide, but can be a bit flexible
CAHO- Contracting Approaches to the day Constructive criticism and open disagreement and debate is welcome.. .. but in a supportive “no blame” framework Probably very varied background experience All about discussion and learning This is a pioneer course, feedback for improvement welcomed
Goals: “Bring the Palaeolithic into the curatorial fold” CAHO- Contracting Goals: “Bring the Palaeolithic into the curatorial fold” Developing curatorial* confidence Recognising Palaeolithic potential at the earliest possible stage Establishing Palaeolithic significance at the earliest stage Application of suitable evaluation methods Recognising importance when it has been found
Outcomes Confident curators Move beyond “disturbed” vs “undisturbed” CAHO- Contracting Outcomes Confident curators Move beyond “disturbed” vs “undisturbed” Early identification of importance Bringing in specialist expertise (when needed) at an early stage not missing important and interesting sites Promoting wider interest in, and appreciation of, “the Ice Age” A relaxed retirement for me!
And finally - “the Suffolk question” CAHO- Contracting And finally - “the Suffolk question” Regional variations? Same principles Different approaches? To be discussed..