Relationship between relative abundance and transcription/abundance ratio (logarithmic scales) of OTUs (brown), ZOTUs (turquoise), and population genomes (pink) across all samples. Relationship between relative abundance and transcription/abundance ratio (logarithmic scales) of OTUs (brown), ZOTUs (turquoise), and population genomes (pink) across all samples. Each symbol represents one taxonomic unit. For OTUs and ZOTUs, abundance and transcription are the relative rDNA and rRNA abundances, respectively; for population genomes, they are derived from metagenomic and metatranscriptomic abundances. The gray dashed lines indicate a relative abundance of 1% (vertical line) and a transcription/abundance ratio of 1 (horizontal line). Yangyang Jia et al. mSystems 2019; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00208-18