Senior English 8/29/18 Write about how you feel about this class and senior year. “Doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains!” - “Pull yourself together.” Palindrome - word or passage that reads the same forward as backward. “Yo, banana boy!” Goals – Discuss Senior Service Project (SSP); transportation; Parent permission; Sort out portfolios; Heading and formatting. Find the Fib. Fire drill/lock down. Homework – Get the parent permission form signed. Points will be assigned if you get it to me tomorrow.
Senior English 8/30/18 What in your opinion is the educational benefit, or lack there of, in doing the SSP? What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea? Logogogue – a person who lays down the law concerning words and their use. Goals – Follow the leader around town to check out previous SSPs. “Prospective Imigrants…” Homework – Find and copy a definition of how to use a semi-colon and a colon; then, copy them on your opener. A salad shooter.
Senior English 8/31/18 Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. – Eleanor Roosevelt “Doctor am I going to die?” “That’s the last thing you’re going to do.” Logomachy – a dispute about words and their meanings. Goals –Tour the Island Trail. Discuss which projects you might like to do? “Prospective Imigrants…” Homework – Study for week 1 quiz, Thursday 9/6. Punctuation – Write a sentence using a colon and another using a semi-colon.