Supporting the 6Rs at Home
Respectful Relationships Risk taking Resilience Resourceful aRticulate Reflective Why these 6Rs? As a school we are obviously here to ensure that children have the necessary academic skills and knowledge to help them now and in their future education. We want them to leave us at RAB being fluent readers, mathematicians, writers, budding artists, designers etc. But we also recognise that this time in a child’s life plays a huge part in helping them to make decisions about their approach to life and how they will tackle any situation that they are going to come across in their life. As a staff and after looking at research we chose these 6 values to underpin everything we do in school . They are attributes that we feel children need in order to be successful in school career, but also in life. Rarely does an experience, opportunity or problem come along where ‘humans’ don’t need to rely on one of these attributes in ordert o be successful. Think about your own lives and a difficult situation that you have recently had – I can virtually guarantee that you would have had to reply on one of these attributes to get you through. Personally – couple of years ago I knew I needed to do something about my health – I was unfit, having breathing issues etc. Decided I knew I needed to do something about it. Didn’t want to show myself up – like being good at something – needed to take a risk, go, aching, resilience, built up relaionships with others makes me still go. Traits are important. Creating safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.
school home Your child
School Home? Respectful Relationships School Home? Respectful Relationships - Recognising differences and being open minded - Celebrating cultures - Showing good manners and being polite - Looking after each other and the school environment - Supporting others’ learning - Being honest - Being tolerant of others - Showing kindness and caring - Taking time to listen - Building relationships with lots of different people in school - being kind to siblings - Saying please and thank you - helping out with household chores etc recognising when an adult has helped them Understanding that they are part of a ‘family team’ that all needs to work together to make for happy family life Knowing to wait for someone to finish speaking without interrupting Using good table manners Remembering to send thank you letters/cards/messages for gifts Recognising the importance of sharing
School Home? Risk Taking Courage and adventurous spirit Dare to dream School Home? Risk Taking Courage and adventurous spirit Dare to dream Recognising importance of making mistakes in learning Challenging self Voicing opinions in class debates Developing talents Giving children chances to try new things Answering questions in class even when they are not sure of their answer Trying new experiences (sleepover, different food, new clubs, joining brownies/scouts, trying a new sports club/drama group Sleeping with the light off Sleeping in own bed Doing things on their own – homework, walking to school
School Home? aRticulate School Home? aRticulate Speaking, presenting and writing clearly and confidently Express views and opinions Ask/query coherently Make links with thoughts Explain, reason and describe Listening to others and reflecting on their thoughts Understanding the rules of conversation – eye contact, turn taking, volume of voice etc Being able to express self clearly when upset Writing thank you letters Expressing their views on family decisions Speak confidently to strangers/police if lost Understanding the rules of conversation with family members Being able to recall and describe their day – favourite lesson, best bit of the day, new thing they have learnt etc
School Home? Resourceful - Self-motivated - Lateral thinking School Home? Resourceful - Self-motivated - Lateral thinking - Use initiative - Recognise there is a problem and how to solve it Independent thinkers Knowing which resources in the classroom to use to support their learning Using things around them to help them solve a problem Trying different ideas out independently before choosing the best idea Knowing when they can do something on their own and when they might need help
School Home? Reflective Self-aware Open minded Thoughtful School Home? Reflective Self-aware Open minded Thoughtful Inquisitive and curious Improving own learning and that of others (purple comments, self-assessment chart) Reflective log Thinking about their own behaviour – able to say sorry Recognising when they might have upset someone Knowing when they need to spend some time on their own to calm down Able to talk about their school day at home – the highlights
Our aims for this afternoon You leave with a better understanding of the 6Rs and how they can be reinforced at home You make something with your child to remind you both of the 6Rs at home Learn a new skill alongside your child Share your child’s learning with them by admiring their books and the work around the school Have fun!