Side to Sides - 1: ( narr pg 16-18; viswo #\5) Purpose: · Improve balance for sideways balance loss/challenges · Improve range of motion in hips and low back · Strengthen outside and inside hip and trunk muscles · Allow you to feel less vulnerable in crowded or narrow areas Importance of Side to Side Movements: Helps manage balance loss to the sides, thus preventing fall Limitation in these movements exist because of weakness, pain, old injuries and aging Loosen up hips/back that have been tightened by injury/weakness
Side to Sides -2: * OSP (optimal standing position) to start * Hold Parallel Bars/Counter * Lean Hips into Bars/Counter * Move Hips Side to Side about an Inch NOT Head and Shoulders! * Movements Need to be Symmetrical * Widen Sway Symmetrically * Step Back a Few Inches * Decrease Amount Holding On Increase Speed Maintaining Symmetry Start to unweight one foot
Stepping Side to Side - 3: When you have Mastered the Prior Activity * OSP (Optimal Standing Position) * Stand at Counter - Hold On * Small step to the Side Using Stronger Leg Do Not Let Your Butt Fall Back * Do Not Let Your Hip Fall to the Side * Bring Legs Together After Each Step * Step to Left and Right * Take Wide, Medium, Narrow Steps * Go Slow, Medium, Fast * Do Not Let Your Hip Drop Back or Down Gradually Do This Without Holding On
Side to Sides - 4: Obstacles to Success: · Dislocated/dislocating hip · Significant weakness throughout the hip · Significant muscle imbalance throughout hip · Weakness of hip adductors – muscles bringing legs together · Hip flexion contractures (tightness) · Hip pain, esp. from arthritis/bursitis · Limitation in hip and low back movements · Scoliosis impacting hip movements · Difficulty maintaining OSP · Your brain telling you: “it can’t be done!; I will fall!; My knee won’t hold!; My body doesn’t do that!; And, and, and…” These obstacles don’t mean you cannot succeed. They mean your way of doing them may need to be adapted. Fear