USN FFG Grounding 20 October, 1999
EGYPT Pilot pick up point Alexandria El Dikheila ▬ On 20 October 1999, while participating in bilateral exercise Bright Star 99 with the Egyptian navy, the FFG was preparing to enter the port of Alexandria, Egypt. ▬ The FFG requested permission to enter port from Alexandria port authority, but there was considerable difficulty understanding the response due to lack of English language proficiency. ▬ The CO understood permission was granted to enter port and agreed to meet the pilot at 1715. ▬ There was sufficient confusion in regard to diplomatic clearance for entering port, delaying a 0630 pier side arrival. Pilot pick up point Alexandria EGYPT El Dikheila
El Dikheila Channel Great Pass Channel Soundings in Meters 500 Yds Pilot Pickup 20 10 Soundings in Meters Great Pass Channel El Dikheila Channel “D1” “4” “D3” 9 m light “2” The ship proceeded inshore of the pilot pickup point into the junction of the Great Pass and El-Dakheila Channels to meet the pilot boat. 1725 1720: The ship passed within 30 yards of shoal water while making a turn around buoy “2”. 1715 1725 1725(approx): CG disembarks pilot into the pilot boat and clears the area. 1717 1720 1720 1717: A USN CG requested the FFG to clear the channel, as there was not sufficient room for both ships. CG 1717
El Dikheila Channel Great Pass Channel Soundings in Meters 1725: FFG steady on 325°T headed away from the channel and shoal water, setting up for second approach to pilot pick up point. 20 10 1725 Pilot Pickup 1739 Ship shudders, shudders a second time. CO orders ‘all stop’, ‘let go the anchor’. CONN orders ‘all stop’. “2” 1750 10 1800 20 “4” “D1” 1750 10 1751(approx): Bridge-to-bridge radio communications with Alexandria port authority indicated there was no pilot available for the FFG and the ship did not have permission to enter port. 1753 1757 1755 10 9 m light 1739 “D3” Great Pass Channel 10 1755: XO (CONN) “I am Bailing out.” El Dikheila Channel 500 Yds Soundings in Meters