Parent-Teacher Conference (for Students and Parents) User Guide for Booking of Appointment Slots for Parent Teacher Conference on Friday 31 May 2019 1300h to 1700h
Parent Login ID The parent login ID for mconline start with “p_” before student ID. Example: If student ID is “SAS12345F”, the parent login will be “p_SAS12345F”. • The default password for parents’ account is “Parent02”. The default password for students’ account is “student02”
Booking TIMING Form/Co-form Teachers: 27 May 8 am to 30 May 2 pm Subject Teachers: 29 May 8 am to 30 May 2 pm
(for Students and Parents) Where is the PTM Form
Where is the PTM Form Click on School Admin. Click the PTM List. These steps are the same for both parents and students.
Where is the PTM Form Click on the Title of the PTM event. Note If you do not see the PTM event, this may be because the registration date has not started. Please check with your school for information regarding the PTM.
Booking a PTM Time Slot
Booking a PTM Time Slot The PTM Event details are displayed at the top. Click on the checkboxes to make your booking with the teachers. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Booking a PTM Time Slot If there are additional events during the PTM event, parents can opt to attend by selecting “Yes” or “No”. The details of these additional events can be revealed by clicking on the info button next to the event title. The PTM Event may request for your details. You will need to fill in the mandatory information marked in “*”. Click the Submit button. Click the Show Acknowledgement button if you already have a booking and wish to reprint the Acknowledgement slip.
Booking a PTM Time Slot The Booking Confirmation will summarize your booking. Click the Confirm button to complete your booking, or else click the Cancel button to amend your booking. Note Booking is on a first-come-first-served basis. There is no indication showing if another parent/student is booking the same time slot concurrently. The person who clicks confirm before the others get the time slot.
Booking a PTM Time Slot Click on the Print button to create a hard copy of the Acknowledgement notice. Click the Edit button to change your booking time slot. This will bring you back through steps 1 to 10. If the confirmation is successful, an Acknowledgement Notice will be generated.
Declaring Non-Attendance
Declaring Non-Attendance Click on the “NOT Attending” checkbox under the teacher’s name if you are not meeting with the teacher. 2. You will still need to fill in your information even if you are NOT attending the PTM Event. 3. Click the Submit button.
Declaring Non-Attendance A Booking confirmation will appear declaring your non-attendance for the PTM Event. You can respond with a reason for not being able to attend. Click the Confirm button to declare your Non-Attendance for the PTM Event.
Declaring Non-Attendance The Acknowledgement notice will indicate that you are not attending the PTM event. Click on the Print button to create a hard copy of the Acknowledgement notice.
Changing your PTM Booking
Changing your PTM Booking Find your PTM Event and click on the Title.
Changing your PTM Booking If you have made a prior booking, the Acknowledgement notice will appear. To change your booking, click on the Edit button.
Changing your PTM Booking Click the Submit button. A new Booking confirmation will be shown where you will need to click the Confirm button to re-book the PTM event for the new time slot.
Changing your PTM Booking Reprint the new Acknowledgement notice after you have re-booked for a new time slot for the PTM event.
The End