“Applied International Economics – an analysis of current issues” 6 February 2019 https://www.hse.ru/org/hse/appliedmacro/
US. real GDP recovery after crisis. Federal Reserve of SF
US Fiscal Deficit to GDP
US. projected fiscal deficits
US. GNP and public debt from 1970
US. Household debt since 2002
US. Economy Recoveries
US. Federal budget balance to GDP from 1976
US. debt cycles from 1966
US. Federal Debt Deficit Projections
Total US Debt Percentage GDP
Global debt and GDP from 1950
Global debt from 1997 to 2017
EZ. Target 2 balances
Central Bank Balance sheets from 2008
Central bank net asset purchases 2017 to 2019
Sweden. Interest Rate
CBs w negative rates
Total Debt Stock from 1997 to 2017
US. NIM from 1934
US. T-bonds Yields since 1960
US. Real Interest Rates from Reinhart
Global M1 collapse since 2001
US. Total leverage-SandP stock prices from 1966
US Fed Excess Reserves interest rates
buy-backs from 2013. Ned David Research S & P buy-backs from 2013. Ned David Research
Liquidation Effect from Reinhart
US. Real Interest Rates from Reinhart
China. OBOR
China. PMI and credit growth
China. Alternative real GDP growth from 2016
China. Current account surplus from 2003
China. Imports from 2006
China. Manufacturing PMI since 2004
China. Manufacturing PMI. Feb 2019
China Foreign Debt Balance 2008 to 2019
China FX Reserves 2012 to 2019
Debt to GDP in China, AE, EMs from 2000
China debt by sector from 2000
China GDP growth since 1990
China vs US GPD growth
China. Credit intensity from 2004
China. Employment from 2008