Challenge Of Arrogance And Wealth
Example Of Those Who Have Wealth Rich Young Ruler - Matt 19:16-22 Rich Man - Lk 16:15-31 Zacchaeus - Lk 19:1-10
Sins Of The Rich Kept back wages - V. 4 Lived luxuriously on the earth- V. 5 Taken Pleasure - V. 5 Fattened your hearts in the day of slaughter - V. 5 Condemned & killed the just - V. 5
Attitude Of The Christian Life of Faith -2 Cor 5:7 Life of humility - Phil 2:14; Lk 6:20; Isa 66:1-3 Humble service means use wealth wisely Liberal contribution to the Lord - I Cor 16:1-2; 2 Cor 9:7 To maintain good works - Matt 6:19-20 Provide for family - 1 Tim 5:8, 16 To pay taxes - Rom 13:7; Matt 22:17-21