Connecting Europe, Railway Undertakings and ProRail TSI Order management Connecting Europe, Railway Undertakings and ProRail
TSI Path Request project/mandatory PCS Interface RU Systems Overnight file transfer ready. Realtime; May 2019 CI Ready 2018-2020 CI OSIRIS ProRail mapping tool is adapted Booking system ORMAS. New development Planning systeem Donna >2 days before departure Booking MMI/GUI RNE Traffic Control system VOS <2 days, departure> CI PCS TIS 2019-2020
State of play STPR & Train ID pilot We had connectivity issues, caused by ProRail Proxy. Now ok. Last week we received first path requests from PCS test system by CI Next months: sending path details, path modification, cancellation, alteration. Harmonisation with Infrabel. Adding identifiers in train running messages. TSI TAF implementation plan ProRail