Application of e-Learning in Under-Graduated Medical Teaching A Systematic Review Authors: Alves, S., Alves, C., Barbosa, R., Barreira, J., Cerdeira, M.E.,


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Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Application of e-Learning in Under-Graduated Medical Teaching A Systematic Review Authors:
Presentation transcript:

Application of e-Learning in Under-Graduated Medical Teaching A Systematic Review Authors: Alves, S., Alves, C., Barbosa, R., Barreira, J., Cerdeira, M.E., Costa J., Figueiredo A. R.., Marques, M., Martins, A.C., Reis, B., Seixas, R. Supervisors: Mário Dinis Ribeiro, MD, PhD Altamiro Costa Pereira, MD, PhD Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Third Presentation

Introduction Aims Methods Results Discussion Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Summary

E-Learning = Electronic Learning Teaching Potentialities of Technology 1 Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Introduction E-learning – more than a software platform 1; - supports the act of learning 1 ;

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Introduction E-learning A way to spread knowledge ( allowing availability); Possibility of interaction (foruns and FAQs)

E-learning UNDERGRADUATED MEDICAL TEACHING Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Introduction How can e-learning be helpful to med students?

Supporting future doctors with access to the up-to- date medical knowledge; Interactive model of learning stimulates knowledge acquisition; Also provides flexibility and collaboration. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Introduction

Aims To understand the importance of e-learning in undergraduate medical teaching; To comprehend the impact that its use causes in the academical success. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Introduction

Type of study Systematic Review Target Population/ Units of Analysis Articles found in data bases Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

Keywords web-based learning ; E-learning (electronic learning); Medicine; Medical Education; Under-graduation; Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

Yes No

Yes No

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Results Local of Study (Country)

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Results Year of Publication

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Results Type of Study Type of Participants

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Results

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Results

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Results

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Results 16 selected articles Only 4 mentioned the pattern of utilisation: Only 2 referred that the majority of students used to access the available resources, using the internet outside college, most of them at home article indicated that most students used to access the available contents during night period (39%) 13

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Results 16 selected articles Only 2 mentioned students evaluation of E- learning: 51% of students classified e-learning good/excellent; 20 Positive ratings for e-Learning – 96%; 17 Positive ratings for traditional methods – 80%. 17

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Discussion Limitations The lack of articles referring the pattern of utilisation. The lack of articles referring the impact of E-learning in ones academical success. Implications In a general way, students like using E-learning. E-learning associated to the traditional teaching method.

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Discussion E-learning provides information in an easy and fast way. It allows achieving the necessary academical skills in a faster way. The economical costs of implementing E-learning are high. The teachers aprehension of using this new tool when associated with under-graduated medical teaching.

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Discussion Future Aproach E-learning is an always growing potentiality. Future articles should refer the pattern of utilisation as well as the impact E-learning has in the academical success.

1. Vollmar HC, Schurer-Maly CC, Frahne J, Lelgemann M, Butzlaff M., An e-learning platform for guideline implementation--evidence- and case-based knowledge translation via the Internet. Methods of Information in Medicine. 2006; 45(4): Harden RM., A new vision for distance learning and continuing medical education, The journal of continuing education in health professions, 2005, 25(1): Vozenilek J., Huff J. S., Reznek M., Gordon J. A. See One, Do One, Teach One: Advanced Technology in Medical Education. ACAD EMERG MED, 2004, Vol. 11, pp Curran VR, Fleet L., A review of evaluation outcomes of web-based continuing medical education, Medical education, 2005, 39(6): Ruiz JG, Mintzer MJ, Leipzig RM., The impact of E-learning in medical education. Academic Medicine: journal of the association of American Medical Colleges. 2006; 81(3): Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina References

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina References 6. Harden RM, Hart IR, An international virtual medical school (IVIMEDS) the future for medical education, Medical Teacher, 2002 May;24(3): Wilson AS, Goodall JE, Ambrosini G, Carruthers DM, Chan H, Ong SG, Gordon C, Young SP, Development of an interactive learning tool for teaching rheumatology - a simulated clinical case studies program, Rheumatology (Oxford), 2006 Sep;45(9): , Epub 2006 Mar Childs S, Blenkinsopp E, Hall A, Walton G, Effective e-learning for health professionals and students - barriers and their solutions. A systematic review of the literature--findings from the HeXL project, Health Information and Libraries Journal, 2005 Dec;22 Suppl 2: Brunetaud JM, Leroy N, Pelayo S, Wascat C, Renard JM, Prin L, Beuscart-Zephir MC, Comparative evaluation of two applications for delivering a multimedia medical course in the French-speaking Virtual Medical University (UMVF), International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2005 Mar;74(2-4):209-12

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina References 10. Gotthardt M, Siegert MJ, Schlieck A, Schneider S, Kohnert A, Gross MW, Schafer C, Wagner R, Hormann S, Behr TM, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Klose KJ, Jungclas H, Glowalla U, How to successfully implement e-learning for both students and teachers, Academic Radiology Mar;13(3): Healy DG, Fleming FJ, Gilhooley D, Felle P, Wood AE, Gorey T, McDermott EW, Fitzpatrick JM, OHiggins NJ, Hill AD, Electronic learning can facilitate student performance in undergraduate surgical Education: o prospective observational study, BMC Medical Education Jun 29;5: Goettner P, Effective e-learning for healthcare, Health Management Technology Dec; 21 (12):64, Nageswari KS, Malhotra AS, Kapoor N, Kaur G, Pedagogical effectiveness of innovative teaching methods initiated at the Department of Physiology, Government Medical College, Chandigarh, Advances in Physiology Education, 2004 Dec;28(1-4): Harden RM, Myths and e-learning, Medical Teacher, 2002 Sep;24(5): Lau F, Bates J, A review of e-learning practices for undergraduate medical education, Journal of Medical Systems, 2004 Feb;28(1):71-87

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina References 16. Ruiz JG, Mintzer MJ, Leipzig RM, The impact of E-learning in medical education, Academic Medicine Mar;81(3): de Maio M, Ferreira MC, Experience with tha first Internet-Based course at the Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Rev Hosp Clin Fac Med Sao Paulo May-Jun;56(3): Link TM, Marz R, Computer literacy and attitudes towards e-learning among first year medical students, BMC Med Educ Jun 19;6:34 19Bernardo V, Ramos MP, Plapler H, De Figueiredo LF, Nader HB, Ancao MS, Von Dietrich CP, Sigulem D, Web-based learning in undergraduate medical education: development and assessment of an online course on experimental surgery, International Journal of Medical Informatics Sep;73(9-10): Dornan T, Hadfield J, Brown M, Boshuizen H, Scherpbier A, How can medical students learn in a self- directed way in the clinical environment? Design-based research, Med Educ Apr;39(4): Romanov K, Nevgi A, Learning outcomes in medical informatics: comparison of a WebCT course with ordinary web site learning material, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2006 Feb;75(2): Epub 2005 Aug 5

Query: ("Education, Medical/education"[MeSH] OR "Education, Medical/methods"[MeSH] OR "Education, Medical/statistics and numerical data"[MeSH]) * ("Education, Distance/classification"[MeSH] OR "Education, Distance/methods"[MeSH] OR "Education, Distance/statistics and numerical data"[MeSH]) OR ("e-learning" AND "medical education") OR ("web-based learning" AND "medical education") OR (electronic learning AND medical education) Databases research: PubMed 188 articles in PubMed on 04/02/2007. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

We will include all the articles accessing the impact and the use of e-learning and medical under-graduated teaching. Inclusion Criteria Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

We will exclude articles in languages different from Portuguese, French, Spanish and English; We will not accept articles related to dentistry and veterinary medicine; We will not analyse articles that are not available in FMUPs and IPOs libraries as well as in databases. We will excluded articles that only describes programs, treatments, systems and universities. Exclusion Criteria Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

Abstracts reading Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

Articles selection Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

Full-articles reading and selection, using the inclusion and exclusion criteria again. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Introdução à Medicina Methods