Analysis of SFUSD Health Survey Data LGBTQ Student health Analysis of SFUSD Health Survey Data
SFUSD Student Demographics
SFUSD MS Student Demographics About 100 students identified themselves as Transgender in the 2007 MS School Climate Survey (n=7,850).
SFUSD HS Student Demographics Over 350 students identified themselves as Transgender in the 2007 HS School Climate Survey (n=12,943). The same numbers are in MS.
SFUSD MS Student Demographics Nearly1,000 students identified themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Questioning in the 2007 MS SCS. Most MS students who fall into this category identify themselves as questioning. At the MS level, most students in the LGBQ category are Q.
SFUSD HS Student Demographics Over 1,700 students identified themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Questioning in the 2007 HS YRBS.
SFUSD HS Student Demographics About 10% of male students self-identify at Gay, Bisexual, or Questioning. About 13% of female students identify themselves as Lesbian, Bisexual, or Questioning. H = Heterosexual (Straight)
SFUSD HS Student Demographics All races / ethnicities include students who self-identify as LGBQ. This slide shows the percentage of LGBQ students within each race / ethnicity (as categorized by the YRBS). So, for example, 5% of African-American students report LGBQ, not 5% of LGBQ are AA.
SFUSD HS Student Demographics All races / ethnicities include students who self-identify as transgender. This slide shows the percentage of T students within each race / ethnicity (as categorized by the YRBS).
School Environment Indicators Data Sources: 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey and 2008 School Climate Survey
Anti-Gay Name-calling SFUSD-SHPD Health Survey Results 3/7/2008 7/21/2019 Anti-Gay Name-calling MS & HS, about 50% of students have heard 12 or more times, about 45-50% have never heard teachers intervening… 11 ETR Associates 11 11 11
High School Safety Indicators 82% have heard at least once in the past year.
High School Safety Indicators Half of students (49%) have never heard a teacher/staff member stop others at least once in the past year.
High School: Hearing others making derogatory remarks… Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Students Heterosexual Students H students report hearing harassing statements based on sexual orientation as often as GLB students, perhaps because it’s so pervasive. These results are not significantly different (p<.05).
Hearing teachers or staff stop others from making derogatory remarks… Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Students Heterosexual Students H students report hearing teachers or staff stop as often of GLBQ students do. These results are not significantly different (p<.05). But it’s not just about hearing remarks…
SFUSD LGBQ Student Health Analysis of Risk Behavior Data Sources: 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey
School Safety Indicators Students who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual are 2.3 times more likely to report being threatened at school compared to heterosexual students.
Mental Health Indicators Students who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual are 3.3 times more likely to report an actual suicide attempt compared to their heterosexual counterparts. Question: During the past 12 months, how many times did you actually attempt suicide?