The uses and features of graphics 6.1 Marc Evans
What is the purpose of the digital graphics? Simple, advertises the band, rememberable, stands out,
Who is the intended audience? Heavy metal music fans Fans of the band
What design features does it have Red on black text, counteracting colours that makes the text stand out. White boarder with another inner black boarder around the red text makes it stand out more. Lighting bolt represents electric guitars and heavy metal because the band uses electric guitars, and is a symbol of heavy metal. Thunder after lighting is loud, like most heavy metal music. Unique font to the band to make more rememberable and recognisable.
Is it fit for its purpose? Yes. Simple, 4 letters and a lighting bolt in a unique text advertises the band, any ACDC fans or heavy metal fans will easily notice and remember the logo. Rememberable, simple and… Stands out, red on black text makes it more noticeable.
What effect will it have on the intended audience? Reminds the audience of the band and of the music. Makes the audience want to buy the product, and advertises the product to other people of the same or similar audience
Strengths and weaknesses of the logo Simple, looks good, attracts the target audience Font could be hard for some to read, maybe use trebutchet ms as it is simple and easy to read, the font I'm using for this. On the other hand it would not have the same appeal as the custom font that is being used as it would be to formal and less rememberable. Wont appeal as much to colour blind or blind people.
Sources 891E95BC8E7A22E08D72F4407074E&thid=OIP.FnSUsxpQGcgcE7sRApNStgHaFj&mediaurl= content%2fuploads%2f2014%2f05%2fac_dc_logo-vector-wallpaper- classic.jpg&exph=960&expw=1280&q=ACDC+logo&simid=608028523972594167&selectedI ndex=0&ajaxhist=0
What is the purpose of the digital graphics? Advertises the band and there albums, stands out.
Who is the intended audience? Fans of the band, fans of heavy metal, flames, red text, electric guitar and dark background gives the feeling its heavy metal.
What design features does it have Black background with red flames and red text. Faces of the band members. Electric guitar with the text “highway to hell” one of the bands albums. Layered, photoshop used to make the guitar lead your sight towards the centre of the poster, highway to hell text if in one of the guitar ferrets.
Is it fit for its purpose? Advertises the band, any ACDC fans or heavy metal fans will easily notice the logo at the top of the poster. Stands out, red on black text and flames makes it more noticeable.
What effect will it have on the intended audience? Reminds the audience of the band and the album. Makes the audience want to buy the product, and advertises the product to other people of the same or similar audience.
Strengths and weaknesses of the logo Looks good, attracts the target audience. Wont appeal as much to colour blind or blind people.
sources 5E5718E69197B7F566161C80085DCD&thid=OIP.QJpAJwFpbwI2GWrSOq4ziAHaJi&mediaurl 90%2f15%2f1588%2fAODFD00Z%2fposters%2fac-dc-highway-to- hell.jpg&exph=488&expw=379&q=ACDC+poster&simid=608040498400854797&selectedIn dex=118&ajaxhist=0 acdc poster analisis (my work)