25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest ESSnet Training General Introduction P. Jacques.


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Presentation transcript:

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest ESSnet Training General Introduction P. Jacques

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Plan of the training General Introduction –Background –What is an ESSnet? –What should it cover? –How is it financed? –What are the current ESSnet projects? Administrative Matters Technical Matters Financial Matters

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Background DGINS in Palermo 2002 Task Force Cenex Report to SPC Feb 05 Pilots Cenex: SDC, Hedonic Prices in HICP, ISAD Other initiatives : EDIMBUS project –Recommended Practices for Editing and Imputation in Cross-Sectional Business Surveys in the ESS –Istat, CBS, SFSO –01/ /6/07 Eurostat internal reflection group – DM Nov 06 Proposal of way forward. SPC Feb 07 Implementation of internal facilities. Aug 07 ESSnet SDC phase 2. Dec 07 Document of ESSnet implementation. SPC Feb 08 ESSnet Action Plan: SPC May 08, ESSC May 09, ESSC May 10

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest What is an ESSnet? A network of several ESS organisations aimed at providing results that will be beneficial to the whole ESS 1.Several partners. Results to non-participating countries. 2.Issues of European interest 3.Compatible with 5 Year Programme 4.Cost-effective (avoid duplication) 5.Knowledge sharing, innovation, harmonisation 6.Sustainability 7.ESS organisations in partnership

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Coverage of an ESSnet action Methodological activities. –development of tools for a specific phase of statistical production –drafting of guidelines –establishment of standards –improving data quality –testing new methods of gathering or producing information –Etc.. Provided there is substantial methodological and development work Not be used for the production process Over a limited period of up to 4 years Countries outsourcing some specific production processes to only one member do not qualify

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination An ESSNet core task: –Establishment of a Website for disseminating results –Training sessions to non members –Workshops, Handbooks or manuals for implementation –Development of methodological and IT tools made available –Provision of customised support for implementation Present ideas to ensure inclusion of non-participating MS after the end of the project Eurostat could eventually finance a more limited action for implementation in additional non participating NSIs Additional evaluation of the project ( one year after the end of the contract) to assess the proposed actions for disseminating the results ESSnet Helpdesk:

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Financing ESSnet No ESSnet Multi-beneficiary (Multi-annual) Grant ESSnet Framework Partnership Agreement Specific annual Grants Short duration/ clearly defined Long duration (>=2 years) / milestones to be precised during execution Yes ACTION Description Collaborative Network? Criteria 1-6 ESS restricted? Criterion 7 Open Multibeneficiary Grant or FPA 7

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Cenex project (before 2008) Explicit ESSnet SDC phase 1. ISAD (Integrating survey and administrative data). (30 June 2008) Hedonic prices. Implicit ESSnet Handbook on Data Quality Assessment. Edimbus ( Recommended Practices for Editing and Imputation in Cross-Sectional Business Surveys ). Etc….

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest 2008 ESSnet Follow-up of SDC (2 years) –Finished 31/12/2009 EU-SILC advanced analysis (2 years) –To finish: 31/12/2010 MEETS: EuroGroups registers (EGR) (4 years) –FPA signed September2008 –1st SGA finished May 2009 (Phase 1) –2 nd SGA finished June 2010 (Phase 2) –3rd SGA to finish June 2012 (Phases 3+4)

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest 2009 ESSnet Decentralised access to micro data (1 year) - Finished 31/01/2010 SDMX (18 months) – To finish 22/01/2011 Culture Statistics (2 years) – To finish 31/08/2011 Common reference architecture CORA (10 months) – Finished 07/08/2010 Partnership Health (PH) (18 months) – To finish 31/01/2011 Conception and implementation of Environmental Impact indicator from Material Flow Accounts (MFA) - Cancelled AGRI-Environment - Cancelled Small Area Estimation (2 years) – To finish 21/12/2011 Data Integration (2 years) – To finish 18/12/2011 GEOSTAT IA (2 years) – To finish 31/01/2012 Development of methodology for heat pump statistics - Cancelled MEETS –Use of administrative and accounts data of business statistics (AdminData) (4 years) FPA signed August st SGA finished March nd SGA – To finish 27/03/2011 –Profiling of large and complex multinational enterprise groups (4 years) FPA signed October 2009 – 1st SGA finished on 24/11/ nd SGA – Evaluation ongoing

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest 2010 ESSnet Lifelong Learning Accounts – Call for proposals ongoing Common reference environment (CORE) (1 year) – Signature of grant agreement ongoing SDMX (18 months) – Signature of grant agreement ongoing GEOSTAT IB 2011 EU Expertise network on Income and Living Conditions Statistics (Follow-up of EU-SILC (4 years) – Call for proposals ongoing Cooperative Development and Innovation in Data analysis for production of ESS statistics - Cancelled Decentralised and remote access to confidential data in the ESS (2 years) – Evaluation ongoing Automated Data Collection and Reporting in Accommodation Statistics (15 months) – Evaluation ongoing Preparation Standardisation (9 months) – Evaluation ongoing Common tools and harmonised methodology for SDC in the ESS (1 year) – Signature of grant agreement ongoing MEETS –Methodology for modern business statistics (3 years) FPA signed October st SGA – Evaluation ongoing –Linking of microdata on ICT usage (2 years) – Call for proposals ongoing –Improving consistency in the methodology and legal requirements for different areas of business and trade statistics (2 years) - Evaluation ongoing –Micro-data linking and data warehousing in statistical production (3 years) FPA signed July st SGA – Signature of grant agreement ongoing ESSnet projects for 2011 are under preparation

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest 2011 ESSnet Continuation of previous ESSnets GEOSTAT IB Automated Data Collection and Reporting in Accommodation Statistics Standardisation and the integration of statistical processes in the ESS MEETS –Use of administrative and accounts data of business statistics (AdminData) (4 years) FPA signed August 2009 – 3 rd SGA –Profiling of large and complex multinational enterprise groups (4 years) FPA signed October 2009 – 3 rd SGA –Micro-data linking and data warehousing in statistical production (3 years) FPA signed July 2010 – 2 nd SGA New ESSnets European Socio-economic Classification (ESEC) MEETS: Measuring Global Value Chains – 1st SGA Production of a manual for statistics on energy consumption in households

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Situation in November 2010

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest ESSnet Country participation

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest ESSnet Country participation 2011

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest ESS Business model GIS Business register Meta- data EntryProcessingAnalysis Primary surveys Administrative data repository ERP System Sample Selection External registers Communi- cation Infrastructure EU GRID EGR SDC 1 SDC 2 Decentralised Access MEETS Sample ISAD MEETS Administrative Data MEETS Microdata Linking ICT Microdata Linking Common Reference Architecture SDMX Data Integration Remote Access Common Reference Environment Model Based Estimation Data Analysis EU-SILC

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Generic Statistical Business Model Handbook Data Quality Edimbus Hedonic Prices Flash Culture Tourism Heat pumps Partnership Health

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Support Information – – Helpdesk ESSnet training sessions –Roma : 9/10/2009 –Madrid: 26-27/10/09 –Stockholm: 18-19/11/09 –Budapest 25-26/11/10 –Bucharest 2011 ESSnet workshop –31/5-1/ in Stockholm –2011 under preparation

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest ESTAT-B2 Facilitation Function

25-26 November 2010 ESSnet Training Session - Budapest Part 1 - Administrative Matters Part 2 - Technical Matters Part 3 - Financial Matters