un evento especial a special event
la cita the date
la audición, las audiciones the audition, the auditions
la boda the wedding
estar to be (to feel)
estar entusiasmado to be (to feel) excited
estar entusiasmada to be (to feel) excited
estar nervioso to be (to feel) nervous
estar nerviosa to be (to feel) nervous
estar tranquilo to be (to feel) calm
estar tranquila to be (to feel) calm
to be (to feel) comfortable estar cómodo to be (to feel) comfortable
to be (to feel) comfortable estar cómoda to be (to feel) comfortable
estar listo to be (to feel) ready
estar lista to be (to feel) ready
por ejemplo for example
acostarse to put oneself to bed
prepararse to prepare oneself
levantarse to get up oneself
despertarse to wake up oneself
bañarse to bathe oneself
ducharse to shower oneself
lavarse to wash oneself
to wash oneself the face lavarse la cara to wash oneself the face
to put on oneself make-up maquillarse to put on oneself make-up
cepillarse to brush oneself
cepillarse los dientes to brush oneself the teeth
to paint oneself the nails pintarse las uñas to paint oneself the nails
to fix (arrange) oneself arreglarse to fix (arrange) oneself
to fix (arrange) oneself the hair arreglarse el pelo to fix (arrange) oneself the hair
cortarse el pelo to cut oneself the hair
afeitarse to shave oneself
secarse to dry oneself
vestirse to dress oneself
ponerse to put on oneself