Puzzle A Puzzle B
Can you make an A-Z of festive words? B - C- Christmas … S – Santa Z Answer: Good luck with z……!
In the 12 days of Christmas, there are: 12 Drummers Drumming 11 Pipers Piping 10 Lords a Leaping 9 Ladies Dancing 8 Maids a Milking 7 Swans a Swimming 6 Geese a Laying 5 Golden Rings 4 Calling Birds 3 French Hens 2 Turtle Doves And a Partridge in a Pear Tree. How many legs is that altogether…? Answer: I made it 146, although you could argue for 178 if you include the cows that the maids are milking….. If however you are counting it as sung, so you get a partridge in a pear tree each day, there are quite a few more!!