Primary Partnership Headteachers Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Primary Partnership Headteachers Meeting Additional Funding for SEND (Nursery) 14 March 2019 Presented by: Anne Doran Lead for Early Years SEN Team

Additional funding streams Some of the children in your nursery may be eligible to access… SEN Inclusion Fund and/or Disability Access Fund (DAF) Please note that a child that has an EHCP cannot access SEN Inclusion Fund but, if eligible could access Disability Access Fund (DAF). 2

Government legislation Page 20 – 21 SEN Inclusion Fund Page 22 – 23 Disability Access Fund (DAF) 3

Government legislation The main content of this document is based on national funding formulas / funding rates for local authorities and early years providers Within the document there is also a section in relation to meeting the needs of disabled children and children with special educational needs The section clearly sets out requirements on local authorities in relation to the two additional funding streams of SEN Inclusion Fund and Disability Access Fund 4

Requirements – SEN Inclusion Fund All local authorities are required to have a SEN Inclusion Fund within their local funding systems The purpose of the fund is to support local authorities to work with providers to address the needs of individual children with SEND It is to ensure the inclusion of children with SEND to access their full entitlement of funded hours To support early intervention and improve outcomes 5

Requirements – SEN Inclusion Fund All 3- and 4- years olds accessing government entitlement should have access to the fund Would be best focused on children with lower level or emerging SEN The funding could be pooled from either or both of the Early Years and High Needs DSG funding blocks Expectation that funds will be given to providers in the form of a top up grant on a case by case basis Local authority required to consult with early years providers on final model 6

Where to find information on SEN Inclusion Fund Start 30secs Finish 156 secs

SEN Inclusion Fund – Local Offer

Funding allocation for 2018/19 & 2019/20 Total funding allocation for SEN Inclusion Fund is £741, 000 High Needs Block Funds 1/3rd of EY3 & EY4 and EY5 £380, 000 (includes ring fenced amount of £10,000 for specialist equipment) Early Years Block Funds EY2 & 2/3rd of EY3 £361, 000

Who can access SEN Inclusion Fund? Early Years Providers Any Ofsted registered early years provider in the London Borough of Hounslow in receipt of government funding Childminders Private, Voluntary & Independent (PVIs) Mainstream Nursery (including 2 year provision)

Who is eligible for SEN Inclusion Fund? All 2 years olds and 3- and 4- year olds with an identified level of SEND (not with an EHCP) Accessing an early years setting in Hounslow (up to 570 hrs max / 15 hour entitlement) Funding for a child eligible to access 30 hour entitlement is considered on a case by case basis A banding system is used to allocate top up grants dependent on child’s level of need / primary need 11

EY5 Profound/ Complex delay (80+%) EY4 Significant delay (60 – 80%) Banding thresholds EY5 Profound/ Complex delay (80+%) EY4 Significant delay (60 – 80%) EY3 Severe delay (45 – 60%) EY2 Moderate delay (30 – 45%) EY1 Mild delay (15 – 30%) EY0 Age appropriate (0 – 15%)

Banding / funding for SEN categories EY Band Level of Need SEN Category Funding (EY and or HN) Top up grant (per term) EY0 No SEN None No additional funding EY1 Mild Low / Emerging SEN EY2 Moderate SEN Inclusion Fund (EY Block) £300 EY3 Severe High need SEN Inclusion Fund (EY & HN Blocks) £600 EY4 Significant SEN Inclusion Fund (HN Block) £1, 000 EY5 Profound / Complex High need / Complex needs £1, 740 13

How the funding can be used To build capacity within the setting with additional staffing to support specific interventions / strategies for the child with SEND Specialist or one-off training to upskill whole team or staff member(s) Purchase of resources / equipment to support specific interventions / strategies Reduce child to adult ratio in order to support child with SEND 14

Process for accessing SEN Inclusion Fund Early years provider required to return a SEN Inclusion Fund Review Document at the end of each period of funding If funding has been agreed, top up grant / lump sum payment for each child will be made directly to the early years provider Panel decision emailed to early years provider within seven working days with SEN Inclusion Fund Decision Sheet attached Request taken to next available SEN Inclusion Fund Panel Early years provider makes request for funding via SEN Inclusion Fund Request Form (available on Local Offer)

Requirements – Disability Access Fund To support disabled children’s access to the entitlements for three and four year olds Funds can be used to support providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings and/or help build capacity Early years providers are responsible for identifying eligible children Local authority is responsible for checking eligibility and distributing DAF funding to providers 16

Where to find information on DAF Start 30secs Finish 156 secs

Disability Access Fund – Local Offer

Funding allocation for DAF Ring fenced funding paid directly into Early Years Block Funding allocation based on Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) data showing the number of 3- and 4- year olds (not in reception) receiving the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Early Years Block

Who can access DAF? Early Years Providers Any Ofsted registered early years provider in the London Borough of Hounslow in receipt of government funding Childminders Mainstream Nursery (including 2 year provision) Private, Voluntary & Independent (PVIs) Specialist Assessment Nursery (SAN)

Who is eligible for the DAF? 3 and 4 year olds will be eligible for the DAF if they meet the following criteria - in receipt of child Disability Living Allowance - accessing free early education (i.e. EEE 15 or 30) The child does not have to take up their full 570 hours of entitlement to be able to access the DAF The child can also be in receipt of funding from either SEN Inclusion Fund or EHCP Four year olds in maintained, academy or free school reception class are not eligible for the DAF 21

How much funding will each child receive? A one off payment of £615 (per year) is paid to the registered early years provider where the child attends The DAF is not based on an hourly rate and is an additional entitlement The expectation is that the provider should discuss with parent how they plan to use the funding The early years provider will need to take a copy of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) letter and complete the Parent Declaration Form (your school should have a copy of this) 22

Process for accessing Disability Access Fund Once eligibility of child confirmed, payment of £615 transferred to provider account They will ask you to confirm all of the details from the information list that were sent to you An EY SEN Team Business Support Officer will call you within four working days An email will be sent to you confirming receipt of notification which will include a list of information for you to prepare Early years provider notifies Local Authority that they have a child eligible for DAF via

Questions or queries… SEN Inclusion Fund Disability Access Fund (DAF)