Pay Attention! Chance to improve CSET grade soon! CSET Hints Pay Attention! Chance to improve CSET grade soon!
CLAIM Simple Answer + Rephrasing of Question Be Specific Pick one Answer Start off Strong!
belief (stated in the claim) Needs to be your own words SUPPORT Needs to explain your belief (stated in the claim) Needs to be your own words Should be a reason Again, be specific and explain in just enough detail Ask yourself WHY and HOW SO…
DIRECT QUOTE A GOOD DIRECT QUOTE EVIDENCE DIRECT QUOTE A GOOD DIRECT QUOTE Ex: “While stationed at For Riley, Kansas, Robinson was denied acceptance into Officer Candidate School (OSC) because of his race.”
OVERALL, NO SUMMARY! CSET is an ARGUMENT. ARGUE YOUR SIDE. TIE-UP/TIE-IN No Summary. No repetition. No paraphrasing of the quote or the Support…instead CONNECT. Think…how does the quote I picked support my claim? Where’s my argument? OVERALL, NO SUMMARY! CSET is an ARGUMENT. ARGUE YOUR SIDE.