CCPA Annual General Meeting, Rotterdam 6 December 2011 Henning Scholz, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin & CCPA Secretary Proposal for Change to the CCPA
CCPA and the Europeana Foundation The CCPA is a pan-European forum where the views of content holders can be reflected, from big aggregators to individual institutions. It will represent museums, libraries, archives and the audio-visual sector across a wide range of Member States.
CCPA Working Groups 2011 WG which deal with issues & problems from across the field WG reflects the opinion and development of content providers and aggregators Responding to some of the key challenges set out in The New Renaissance, the report submitted to the European Commission by the Comite des Sages WG1: User Engagement WG2: Financial/Sustainability WG3: Ethical WG4: Technical WG5: Legal Core & Reflection Groups Chairs & CCPA Liaison Officer
Challenges & lessons learned Lack of clarity about scope, purpose & impact of community Lack of clarity about roles & responsibilities of individual participants Relative fragmentation/discontinuity of activity Question of independence from and relation to the Europeana Office Pressures on time & resourcing (as a voluntary network) Ensure that CCPA operation is appropriate to its strategic purpose Need to agree a clear way forward Survey of the CCPA membership to enable the members of the CCPA to enage with proposals for further development Strategic focus – Priority actions – Working model
Name change Europeana Network Rationale: Were not solely Content Providers or Aggregators & The name CCPA doesnt reflect the scope of our work Claiming Europeana & highlighting Network – a connected community of collaboration Supported by 77% of respondents to the survey Providing an incubator for community, partnership and innovation Need to consider specific requirements of Content Providers/Aggregators
Europeana Network mission The Europeana Network is united by a common cultural mission to work together to improve access to Europes Cultural Heritage in balanced and sustainable ways. Supported by 97% of respondents to survey The Statement is intended to provide an overarching strategic aim which is sufficiently broad to encompass the interests of public and commercial institutions. Members of the Europeana Network are asked to subscribe to this broad ambition.
Declaration of independance Asserting that the Europeana Network represents the interests of the community. Asserting that Europeana delivers value to the community rather than taking value from it. Europeana Network can bring together the voices of the community, bring them to the Europeana Board & Executive through the Officers and lobby for the communitys interests.
Relationship with Europeana The Europeana Network is positioned as an independent, grassroots organisation of stakeholders The Europeana Network is collaborating to support the development of the Europeana strategy The Europeana Network Officers will: Work with Europeana Office to set a framework of challenges which are structured around and respond to requirements in the Europeana Business Plan. At least twice annually, solicit the views and opinions of the Europeana Network about the strategic development of Europeana and contribute these views to the discussions of the Europeana Board. Provide a mechanism for mediating dispute and achieving consensus on critical strategic challenges.
Modus operandi Once a year, the Europeana Office will consult the Europeana Network on the content of the follow years Business Plan. The Europeana Network will respond, and the resulting amended plan will be presented to the Europeana Board for comment and approval. Once a year, the Europeana Network Officers will agree a set of strategic questions relating to requirements set out in the Europeana Business Plan Europeana Office will undertake (virtual) surveys to identify key opportunities and concerns from the Europeana Network Europeana Network is encouraged to raise questions/topics they would like Europeana to facilitate in workshops; Officers will articulate results to the Board The task-and-finish groups will work (mainly virtually) to produce an actionable recommendation within a defined timeframe. Officers will report progress each quarter to the Europeana Board The Europeana Network Officers and the Europeana Office will assess the suitability of Europeana Pro to support this work (or agree an alternative, e.g. LinkedIn)
Europeana Europeana Pro
Europeana LinkedIn
Europeana Drupal Infrastructure
Task-and-finish groups curated The Europeana Office will actively curate/support task-and- finish groups clustered across the four Strategic Plan elements: Aggregate, Facilitate, Distribute, Engage The task-and-finish group will work virtually, but may meet periodically for a specific purpose Each group will be facilitated by a Europeana Network member, and they will agree to operate according to a job description for the function Costs of task-and-finish group meetings will be met by the Europeana Foundation (to a maximum of 15 groups x 2 physical meetings per year)
Task-and-finish groups community-led Individual Europeana Network members can initiate task-and- finish groups, where there is a clear agenda, momentum or enthusiasm These community-led discussions can be submitted for review by the Europeana Network officers, and if appropriate, may be recommended for adoption as a curated group. The task-and-finish group will work virtually, but may meet periodically for a specific purpose Costs of task-and-finish group meetings will be met by the Europeana Foundation (to a maximum of 15 groups x 2 physical meetings per year) Europeana Network members self-appoint to task-and-finish groups
Summary 1.Name change: CCPA Europeana Network 2.Mission Statement: Europeana Network works together to improve access to Europes Cultural Heritage in balanced and sustainable ways 3.Europeana Network is positioned as an independent, grassroots organisation of stakeholders that brings together the voices of the community and brings them to the Europeana Board & Executive through the Officers to support the development of the strategic direction of Europeana 4.Task-and-finish groups to respond to strategic questions and key opportunities 5.Curated and community-led task-and-finish groups 6.Europeana Pro as platform for discussions – tbd
General Assembly Vote on Proposed Changes 1.Relationship to Europeana 2.New modus operandi
Thank you for your attention