Agenda (for me) (Remind them to get copy of Outliers by 4/22) Was able to get lab time today/adjusted schedule Vocab Unit 9 – vote on pics Review Struggle Photos Read ATSS Research Paper Work Session: half block HW:
Reminders – 4-10-19 ATSS Part Two Quiz – I will return the quizzes to you. If you want it in the gradebook, turn it back in to the black basket. If you do NOT want it in, keep the scantron. Extra Computer time today!! I was able to find additional time for you to have time to continue researching – you will have a little over half the class today! Additional times – half the block Tomorrow and Friday! You will need a copy of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell by Monday, 4/22 HW: Work on research for Annotated Bibliography
Struggle Photo Links to Post 2nd Block: 3rd Block:
Vocab Unit 9 Vote
ATSS, Chaps. 27-35 (9 chapters) Possible Sentences – with your assigned chapter Independently: Generate 8 words that connect to these chapters Your group should now discuss and agree on 8 words together. They can be a combo of words and should be on a new piece of paper. Trade your group’s list with another group. With the other group’s words, create 2 sentences that capture something about the chapter – using at least 2 words in each sentence.
Research Paper Work Session