Clinic Navigation 2011 – Primary Care Patients needing ED followup Self-limiting problem needing followup within 4 weeks Resource schedule APC in computer (10 slots/day total for ED) Needs primary care/medical home within 4 weeks Contact L or T Med resident on call for date/time of appt Needs primary care/medical home, nonurgent (>4 weeks) Fill out Primary Care referral form OR offer Community Clinic Sheet Appointment scheduling personnel will CALL patient to schedule best day/time for them if unable to contact resident or get close f/u, schedule in APC as a bridge
Clinic Navigation 2011 – Specialty Clinics Clinics that can be scheduled through the computer (*) Surgery (15) L-Cards (2) STITCH HTN (12) L & T Ortho-fractures ONLY (15) Allergy (2) L & T Derm (2 ea)** L & T GYN (8 ea)** Clinics requiring referral form ALL OTHERS Clinics with extensive wait times (>3-6mo) Neurology Rheumatology Hep C Podiatry GI Ophtho (routine eye exams) * # in parentheses is available slots/day in the computer ** can be scheduled in computer but appt times may be 2+ months away