Population Change
We are learning to… Describe what is meant by birth rate, death rate and natural increase Outline the difference in these rates between developed and developing countries Explain these differences
I Can… Interpret information about population change from a graph Analyse statistics from a table Describe and explain factors affecting population change in developed and developing countries
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UbmG8gtBPM This graph shows than not only is the population growing but it is also growing at a much increased rate The graph also shows the difference in growth between developed and developing regions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcSX4ytEfcE
Task One Using the graph to the right write a paragraph describing the change in world population from 1750 - 2050
The number of people in the world is increasing due to the fact that the birth rate is higher than the death rate Birth rate (BR) is the number of births per 1000 people per year (‰) Death rate (DR) is the number of deaths per 1000 people per year (‰) Natural Increase (NI) is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate
The world’s birth rate is 20 (‰) The world’s death rate is 12 (‰) Therefore, the NI is 20 – 12 = 8 (‰) Birth and death rates are much higher in developing countries than in developed countries Country Birth Rate Death Rate NI UK 12.26‰ 9.33‰ 2.93‰ Japan 8.23‰ 9.27‰ -1.04‰ Afghanistan 39.05‰ 14.35‰ 24.7‰ Malawi 41.8‰ 8.74‰ 33.06‰ What could be the reasons for this?
Factors Affecting BRs – Developing Country Developing countries have a higher birth rate due to:- Children can take care of their parents in old age Children are economically important – can help to earn money by working on the family’s farm or elsewhere Lack of family planning and contraception Infant mortality rates (number of children that die before the age of 1) are high, so parents will have more children to ensure survival of some In some cultures, the larger the family, the more powerful the man and the higher status they have in their society
Factors Affecting BRs – Developed Country Developed countries have lower birth rates because:- Women are educated, so choose to have careers. This means they marry later and have fewer babies Contraception and family planning are readily available Children are very expensive to raise
Factors Affecting Death Rates Developing countries have a higher death rate due to:- Many families live in poor housing with poor sanitation Lack of clean water, leading to many water-borne diseases spreading easily e.g. cholera Many do not have enough food to eat Overcrowding leads to diseases spreading e.g. malaria Few doctors and hospitals Although the death rates for developed and developing countries are similar, it is important to note that deaths in developing countries occur at a much younger age.
Factors Affecting Death Rates Developed countries have a lower death rate due to:- Proper sanitation and clean water People have good diets and enough to eat Advanced medical facilities and advice are available
Task Two Using the information on factors affecting birth and death rates complete the following: What is the connection between birth rates, death rates and population change? Calculate the NI for each of the following: Country A – BR 43‰ DR 26‰ Country B – BR 13‰ DR 13‰ Which of these two countries is likely to be a developing country? Give detailed reasons BR and DR are both high in developing countries. Why is this? DR is low in developed countries. Why?
We were learning to… Describe what is meant by birth rate, death rate and natural increase Outline the difference in these rates between developed and developing countries Explain these differences
Can I… Interpret information about population change from a graph Analyse statistics from a table Describe and explain factors affecting population change in developed and developing countries