Lighting Techniques Photojournalism
For each of the following photos, how does the lighting affect the subject and the photo’s mood?
Aysen Tan, Foothill Dragon Press
Bethany Fankhauser, Foothill Dragon Press
The Pix Yearbook - Little Rock, Arkansas
The Pix Yearbook - Little Rock, Arkansas
The Pix Yearbook - Little Rock, Arkansas
Trevor Kjellberg, Maize (Kan.) High School
Types of Lighting
Front Light Alys Gomez, Holton High School
Side Light Abby Heitzman, Holton High School
Back Light Atlanta ISD Yearbook Staff
Open Shade Lore Staff
Window Light Alys Gomez, Holton High School
Tips for Improving Lighting
Broad light sources give a softer light (The sun is big, but it’s a narrow source of light. Clouds help to diffuse that light to make it softer)
Close light sources give a softer light (The farther away the light source is, the harsher the light)
Bounce light to make it softer (Aim a narrow light source, like a light bulb, at a wall. This will cause the light to spread out and become softer)
Light a subject to cause the background to be less distinct (Moving a light close to your subject will create a bigger separation between your subject and the background)
To emphasize texture, light from above, below, or the side (Lighting from the front will de-emphasize texture)