Literature: Thursday, February 6, 2014 Revised Handouts: * Independent Reading Chart for Feb. 3 – 9 * Share the “Favorite Poem” you select Homework: * Read AR book 20 - 30 minutes daily & record progress * Start thinking about your favorite poem . . . * “Find a Poem” project is due Feb. 25, however . . . Save your poem to a shared folder by Monday, Feb. 17 BONUS points if you save it by Thursday, Feb. 13 We will use the in-class student computer Save file as: LastName_Firstname_Poem_Eng6-__ Assignments Due: Reading Chart for Jan. 27 – Feb. 2
Today’s Goal: Continue to examine “favorite poems.” Outcomes: Read aloud that poem to the class when it appears on the screen. Explain to the class why another sixth grader found this appealing. Identify what you like about each poem presented today. Evaluate the selected poems to determine which ones are the most appealing to you. Evaluate the creative expressions used to illustrate each poem and identify your favorites.
Starter #1: As you come into the room, select one of the poems strategically placed around the room and take it to your desk. When you see the poem you selected (and its illustration) appear on our front screen, raise your hand. Then read it aloud to the class and explain why it was appealing to that student.
Starter #2: Now it’s your turn. Start looking for your favorite poem, one that you think would also appeal to our class. Tomorrow you will receive a rubric with further details. Over the next few weeks, you should: 1) Find your favorite poem. 2) Think of a creative way to illustrate it. 3) Identify the poetic devices used in your poem. What are “poetic devices”? Stay tuned to find out!