Buncombe County Schools AIG Plan Update March 6, 2014
Good News Buncombe County Schools local AIG Plan 2013-16 has been reviewed and approved by NC DPI. Partners for the Advancement of Gifted Education (PAGE) chapter formed and led by Gina Kidder. AIG link and information on Buncombe County Schools website has been updated.
Nine of our AIG Specialists and Robert Waller attended the 40th year celebration of the NCAGT conference. Approximately 55 teachers will complete our Nurturing the Gifted Child course this year. AIG Specialists are developing STEAM based units of study for AIG students in grades 3-8. Samples of STEAM units – HelioPhysics using the NASA Weather Data developed by Sharon Katz and Debbie Ross , Mars Bound by Amy Loy, Bridge Building by Keith Buff, and Raspberry Pi- teaching coding with Raspberry Pi computers.
Completed fall COGAT online testing of all third grade students to screen for gifted students. AIG Specialists, 7th and 8th grade classroom teachers, Eric Grant, and middle school literacy coaches are developing a curriculum map for 7th and 8th grade Advanced English/Language Arts classes. COGAT is useful to find students who would not otherwise by nominated for gifted services like the dirty little boy who acts out. Anecdotal comments from the AIG specialists is that the test is picking up those children. Teachers have been surprised at the performance of some students. So far the team has met twice and three more meetings are scheduled. Eric is the ELA and Social Studies Curriculum Specialist and has been instrumental in providing leadership for this initiative as well as the middle school literacy coaches. ELA teachers have been differentiating for gifted and high achievers all along; however, this will provide guidance and consistency across the county.
For the 2012-2013 School Year 94.5% of elementary AIG students met the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Targets in reading, exceeding the target of 90.8%. Over 95% of elementary AIG students met the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Targets in math, exceeding the target of 92%.
For the 2012-2013 School Year 94.5% of middle school AIG students met the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Targets in reading, exceeding the target of 90.8%. Over 95% of middle school AIG students met the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Targets in math, exceeding the target of 92%.
For the 2012-2013 School Year Over 95% of high school students met the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Targets in reading, exceeding target of 93%. 82.4% of high school students met the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Targets in math, meeting goal of 82%.
BCS AIG Funding Formula 4% of ADM Approximately 16% Identified as AIG in BCS School Year AIG Students State Funds 2010-2011 4078 $1,199,061 2011-2012 4036 $1,239,157 2012-2013 4122 $1,262,288 2013-2014 4155 $1,275,494
AIG Personnel Robert Waller, Cultural Arts and AIG Specialist Judy McGuire, Lead AIG Specialist-half time 19 Full Time AIG Specialists 4 Half Time AIG Specialists
Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. Author Unknown Thank you to the Board for your support of gifted education, and to Dr. Baldwin, Mrs. Swanger and the curriculum staff for their support.