Assessment components MODULE 3: ASSESSMENT AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Assessment components Camellia Inman Director of Strategic Planning and Assessment Enrollment and Student Services Wake Technical Community College NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Chief Student Development Administrator Leadership Academy
Assessment components Mission Annual Review Action Plans Findings Targets Measures Outcomes Goals Assessment components
Mission Specific and clear Defines what your service area, division, or unit does Identifies your stakeholders Aligns with the college mission and purpose Aligns with the service area, division, or department mission
Goals Broad statements about what the unit wants to achieve Related to the mission statement Aligns with the goals of the division, service area, and/or stakeholders Not directly measurable, progress towards them are measured by more specific measurable outcomes Usually not achieved in one year, achieved over time
Outcomes (Intended) Snapshot of how the unit is doing in its progress towards its goals Describes where you want to be Answers ‘Are we achieving or goals?’ S-M-A-R-T Specific (detailed) Measurable (action verbs) Attainable Realistic Targeted or Time-Bound
Measures Ideally, two forms of measurement per outcome M-A-T-U-R-E Matches or aligns directly with the outcome Appropriate method to determine if outcome achieved Targets indicate desired level of performance Reliable in that they are based on tested, known methods that can be reproduced Useful – they help identify what to improve Effective and Efficient for evaluating how to improve
Targets Specific statements of desired level or timing of what you expect to achieve Realistic and based on good practice or some appropriate level of achievement that you can justify Used to judge whether or not you have met an outcome or not
Findings (Assessment Results) Assessment results aligned with measure Provides clear evidence supporting the conclusion that the target was met or not met Details information reported about what data was collected and analyzed
Action Plans (Use of Results) Actions align with assessment findings Clear and detailed descriptions of how results are or will be used to make improvements Actions include a completion timeline
Annual Review Completed annually or most appropriate schedule for your division One of the most important parts of your report Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of your assessment Reflect on your assessment process Evidence of improvement based on analysis of results
References Photo Source: Initiatives, N. V. (2015, April). NOVA Annual Planning and Evaluation: A Guide for Administrative Units and Campuses. Retrieved from Planning-and-Evaluation-A-Guide-for-Administrative- Units-and-Campuses.pdf Photo Source:
Module 3: Assessment and continuous improvement Chief Student Development Administrator Leadership Academy Contact: Camellia Inman at