Please check-in & pick up your Sermon Notes WELCOME! Please check-in & pick up your Sermon Notes
Opening Prayer
Pick up your submitted Sermon Notes at the check-in table!
Volunteer Ticket Winners May = Cole Nadritch June = Ben Krenzer July = Owen Ledermann August = Erin Testa September = Robbie Schembri
Quiz Show!
1. All of the commandments are ultimately grounded in and based on which commandment? Fourth Eighth Third First
2. Which of the following people successfully fulfilled all of the commandments? Paul Moses Abraham None of the above
3. Is it possible to perfectly follow all 10 Commandments? Yes No
4. The Ten Commandments were given to promote the life, welfare, and good order of society. True False
5. The Ten Commandments only apply to Christians. a. True b. False
6. The Ten Commandments are just suggestions. a. True b. False
7. You must always follow all of the Ten Commandments to get into heaven. a. True b. False
Memory Work Small group leaders are invited to find a spot in the hallway to hear their small group’s memory work. Confirmands get two chances to successfully recite their memory work. Students should define the Lesson 3 Key Words when Memory Work is completed.
Today’s Lesson Intro. to the 10 Commandments Key Words: Priority, Idolatry, & Sabbath
Key Words PRIORITY: Something regarded as more or most important. IDOLATRY: Turning a good thing into an ultimate thing; turning something that is not God into a god. SABBATH: A time set apart for rest and worship of God
2nd Commandment: You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
Exodus 3:13-15 God is speaking to Moses through the burning bush. What are the two names for God in these verses? “I Am Who I Am” “The Lord, the God of your ancestors…”
Isaiah 43:1-7 “For I am the ________, your God, the _______ _____ of Israel, your _______.” Is. 43:3 LORD Holy One Savior LORD -someone with authority Holy -set apart Savior - The One who Saves
3rd Commandment: Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Leviticus 25:1-12 God is giving Moses more laws – both ceremonial and political Who or what does God say needs rest?
Answer the two Life Application questions on your worksheet.
Small Group Time Share: Your highs and lows from the week Write down prayer requests Choose person to pray later
For Next Tuesday: Memorize: The 5th & 6th Commandments & their Meanings (SC pg. 12)
Upcoming Trainings TONIGHT: Webcam Operator Training after Confirmation Class @ 7:30pm
Announcements Sunday Morning FLY – 9:45-10:40 What’s so important about God’s Word? Sunday Night FLY – Oct. 8 “The Art of Neighboring” Part 2 w/ Pastor Ben Craft Sale – Oct. 21 Volunteer at FLY’s biggest fundraiser! Sign-up on the FLY bulletin board to help setup (Oct. 20), serve, & clean-up! Counts as service hours & volunteer hours! Sunday Night FLY REMIX – Oct. 22 You choose the lesson & game!
Closing Prayer
Have a wonderful week! Go in peace and serve the Lord!