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Finish Start Diet Anatomy Life Stages Facts
Finish Start Diet Anatomy Life Stages Facts
What do ladybugs eat? Aphids, mealybugs and mites Grass and moss
How do ladybugs chew? Up and down Side to side
Less than 10 More than 100 Ladybugs eat how many aphids a day? About 25
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True or False: Ladybugs have wings. FalseTrue
How many legs do ladybugs have? 6 4 8
A ladybug has a three-part body consisting of the: Head, body, and legs. Face, wings, and antennae. Head, thorax, and abdomen.
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Finish Start Diet Anatomy Life Stages Facts
The life stages of a ladybug are: Egg larvapupaadult Pupa egglarvaadult
How long is the pupa stage? 5-7 days 2-4 weeks A few months
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True or False: Ladybugs can bite. False True
True or False: The male lady bug is usually larger than the female. FalseTrue
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