Pre-ETS & You
Explaining Pre-ETS to Students and Families Bi17wJ78/1/m?utm_source=email
Classroom based activities Why? Get to know Teacher and classroom Pre-ETS needs Work with students in a group setting to gain first hand knowledge of their strengths and needs Increase team communication and build relationships Facilitate opportunities to support desired outcome Gain knowledge of potential support needs (e.g. referral to VR, ODDS, or other community services) How? Foster Collaboration/ Builds trust in team How can I help you? What resources do you need? Facilitate activities based upon Pre-ETS Facilitate activities based upon needs identified: By classroom teacher Through your observation in working with students. Student requests Hands on/interactive activates are more engaging
Work-readiness interactive activities
Time Management
Non Verbal Communication
“101 Ways To Teach Children Social Skills”
Non Verbal Communication Experts say that 93 % of what you are communicating comes from your body language. Only 7% from your words Voice volume Tone of Voice Interpreting body Language Posture Eye contact Facial Expressions Gestures Personal space Use of touch Identifying emotions Non Verbal Communication
Active listening
Project access “What is Transition” “Summer Work” “What is the TTAN?” Coming Soon: “YTP”
Data: YTP & Pre-ETS it’s ALL important!