Learning Objective: to evaluate the Humanistic Approach ALL will be able to explain an evaluative comment for the Humanistic approach MOST will be able to structure evaluation as point-evidence-explain SOME will be able to synthesise information on humanism learnt so far to construct an essay plan for an essay on the humanistic approach DO NOW: what do you think an evaluation point might be for Humanism based on your learning so far?
DO NOW: what do you think an evaluation point might be for Humanism based on your learning so far? Starter Feedback
Introduction Each of you has a slightly different activity according to how comfortable you are with point-evidence-explain at the moment Option 1: help with deciding which ‘bits’ are point, which are evidence, which are explain Option 2: help with the ‘explain’ parts (this is the bit after the POINT and the EVIDENCE) Option 3: some information about the evaluation which will allow you to select and construct your own evaluative points (from mark-schemes, various textbooks etc)
Learning Objective: to evaluate the Humanistic Approach ALL will be able to explain an evaluative comment for the Humanistic approach MOST will be able to structure evaluation as point-evidence-explain SOME will be able to synthesise information on humanism learnt so far to construct an essay plan for an essay on the humanistic approach Feedback on our learning so far, how far have we come since the beginning of the lesson?
Humanism Essay ‘Describe and evaluate the humanistic approach in Psychology. Refer to at least one other approach in your discussion’ (10 marks)
Humanism Review: The Essay Things I want to see: Key Assumptions (as structure for your A01) Comparison (to another approach, in terms of methods etc) Fully elaborated evaluative points Some of you might want to take an essay help sheet to give you some guidance with structure Some of you might want to pick up a ‘detailed info’ sheet to help you include DEBATES and more detailed comparisons
Learning Objective: to evaluate the Humanistic Approach ALL will be able to explain an evaluative comment for the Humanistic approach MOST will be able to structure evaluation as point-evidence-explain SOME will be able to synthesise information on humanism learnt so far to construct an essay plan for an essay on the humanistic approach STUDENT LED REVIEW – sharing your essay plan – 2 lucky students will summarise their essay plan on the board!