GABAergic subtype switch in the absence of Gata2 in the pTh-R precursors. GABAergic subtype switch in the absence of Gata2 in the pTh-R precursors. (A-T) ISH analysis of Gad1 (A-D), Slc17a6 (E-H), Arx (I-L), Dlx (M-P) and Gata3 (Q-T) expression in WT and Foxg1cre; Gata2F/F mouse embryos at E12.5 and E13.5. Black arrows indicate the affected pTh-R region. (U-X) ISH for Arx (U,V) or Dlx1 (W,X) combined with IHC for the intermediate zone marker p57Kip2. White arrows indicate the p57Kip2 and Arx/Dlx1 co-expressing cells; white arrowheads indicate p57Kip2-negative Arx-expressing cells in the lateral P3. Dotted lines indicate the prosomere boundaries. Scale bars: 100 μm. Sini-Maaria Virolainen et al. Development 2012;139:3795-3805 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd