Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) (A) and dendrogram and heat map (B) of the relative abundances of the data in the custom database across the Amazon viromes. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) (A) and dendrogram and heat map (B) of the relative abundances of the data in the custom database across the Amazon viromes. The custom database is formed by the assembled Amazon scaffolds classified as viruses by VirSorter (blue rows in the leftmost column) plus the reference viral genomes (red rows). Cell coloring reflects relative abundances (log10 transformed for clarity). Both scaffolds and genomes were clustered based on the Manhattan distances between their distributions. (A) NMDS of the custom database showing the separation of the river group from the transition-plus-plume group. (B) Abundance profile of reads mapped to the custom database. The dendrogram denotes a blurred separation between river and plume, with St15 (plume) grouping in the river group and the transition (St10 and St11) grouping in the plume group. The colors of the labels represent the following elements: brown, rivers; black, transitions; blue, plumes. Bruno S. de O. Silva et al. mSphere 2017; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00366-17