DAC EVALUATION NETWORK 27-28 JUNE 2007 Hans E. Lundgren Development Co-operation Directorate OECD
EVALUATION CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Context: Paris Declaration – ownership and mutual accountability. New emphasis on CD. Hanoi Round Table – Communities of practice Evaluation Network mandate: “promote and support ECD in partner countries” Build on an earlier engagement and acquired experience to develop work
SOME KEY ELEMENTS IN CURRENT KNOWLEDGE BASE ON ECD Fact Finding Study on ECD, 2006 led by Japan for DAC Evaluation Network Partner country experiences such as Vietnam Work by MDBs and UN on ECD, including comparative studies by IEG IOCE publication “Creating and Developing Evaluation Organisations”, 2006 The Challenge of Capacity Development – working towards good practice, DAC 2006
EVALUATION CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Purpose of the discussion: Clarify challenges and constraints in implementing a partnership approach in ECD Role of capacity development in transferring ownership of evaluation processes Explore potential for collective and individual action How best to share experience among partners (and donors) and co-ordinate new initiatives Build consensus on how to move forward and identify members interested
DAC EVALUATION QUALITY STANDARDS Standards approved for test use in March 2006 Specific aims: Provide standards for the process (conduct) and products ( outputs) of evaluation Facilitate partnerships and collaboration Enable members to use each others’ evaluations and facilitate meta-evaluations Steps so far: dissemination, test application and preparation of a trilingual publication
ISSUES AND NEXT STEPS FOR THE STANDARDS Questionnaire for Initial Feedback Workshop: when /where? Identify lead/partners in task team Stakeholder involvement