Stuff we’ll need for the Midterm James Burns October 25, 2005
The Adjacency Matrix 1 2 3 4 ||
Also known as the Square Ternary Matrix Be able to convert it to a causal loop diagram Be able to convert the CLD to a SDF Be able to write the rate equations associated with the SFD Assumes rates are multiplicative functions of their antecedents
The Pension Fund Problem What sectors did you find? What stocks? What rates?
Feedback Name two types Which type produces exponential growth? Which type produces exponential goal seeking? What is the discernment rule for distinguishing one type from another?
What about delays? Cause ____ and ____ when ____ moves are applied Cause oscillation and overshoot when aggressive moves are applied
Seeing the World Anew As wholes Seeing ourselves as part of the whole, part of the system Coping with Complexity mandates systems thinking Today, we are creating complexity at a frenetic pace
When is dynamic complexity present? When there are dramatically different effects in the short vs. the long run When an action has one set of consequences locally and a very different set of consequences in another part of the system When obvious interventions produce non-obvious consequences
The first Archetype Senge often says structures of which we are unaware hold us ____. All growth eventually ____. Which archetype illustrates this?? Most managers react to the slowing growth by pushing harder on the _____ loop Instead, concentrate on the balancing loop--changing the _____ factor
Structure growing action state of stock slowing action Balancing Reinforcing
VENSIM Know how to create CLD’s Know how to create SFDs Know how to use the tools Know how to use the output icons—print/plot/etc