LAMAS Working Group 13-14 June 2018 Agenda item 3.2 Technical and classification issues
Anonymisation in 2018 SUF release Inclusion of ESeG First disseminated in aggregated tables in autumn 2016 2-digit classification based largely on ISCO-08 ISCO included mostly at 3-digit level Suggestion: no special aggregation of ESeG Ad hoc module 2017 Variable "main reason for not having employees" (REASNOEM) has filter condition STAPRO = 2. STAPRO categories 1 and 2 are combined in anonymised core microdata as "self-employed". Suggestion: no special aggregation of AHM 2017
Anonymisation Request by IT: same-sex marriage / civil union to be hidden Possible inclusion of candidate countries Consultations with MK, ME, RS and TR
Distribution of NSI version of SUFs Change of medium Past: DVD, EDAMIS, Secure FTP Present and future: S-CIRABC for secure storage and download to authorised recipients On-demand access Eurostat announces availability of a new release. NSI can request it for confirmed authorised user(s). Eurostat gives access to the microdata on S-CIRCABC for download.
Public use files (PUF) Consultation of NSIs on public release of PUFs Countries: EU + EFTA Years 2004-2013 Proposal sent on 23 May including methodological documents PUFs distributed to NSIs via EDAMIS NSIs asked to sign agreement
NUTS 2016 To be used since 2018Q1 Requests for time series addressed with concerned NSIs