Exam Preparation: Cold War - 1 hour and 15 minutes Question 1 - 2 marks - 3min “Give two reasons from Source A which show…” - Identify two pieces of information from a source Question 2 – 4 marks - 7min “Outline two…” - Identify two actions/decisions/causes/ factors for change Question 3 - 10 marks - 15 min “How useful are Sources A and B as evidence of…” Make a judgement on utility of BOTH sources Identify where a source is useful (e.g. The source is useful because.) Identify where it is limited (e.g. The source is limited because…) Consider content AND NOP Use own knowledge. Question 4 - 6 marks - 9min “Describe the key features of…” - Make 3 points and develop them One key feature was… This meant.. A second key feature was… This meant… A third key feature was… This meant… Question 5 – 15 marks – 22min “Explain the importance of the following in international relations” Pick 3 out of 4 events listed in the question State its importance Provide factual detail on the event] Explain why it was important to international relations (did it increase or reduce tensions?) Question 6 – 13 marks + 3 SPAG -19min “Explain why relations changed in the years…” - 3-4 reasons - Link them - Prioritise them - Prioritise one over at least two others and explain your priority in the conclusion