District 7475 : PETS (March 23, 2019) District Grants This presentation will provide an overview of global grants and present ten ways that you can improve your global grant application.
District Grants: General Policy Guidelines Support the Mission of the Rotary Foundation - not just limited to Area of Focus No minimum budget requirement Short term impact : OK Support scholars - any level of study : locally or internationally Active Rotarian involvement required Our District also requires : One trained member ; 3 goals in Rotary Club Central ( membership, Annual giving & Polio); current with District dues. No MOU or any other Agreement Form required
District Grants 2018-19: Current Status Number of clubs which applied : 73 Clubs applied for Max $1000 : 49 Clubs applied for lesser amounts : 24 Grant Amount applied/Approved : $64,411 Final Reports still pending : 29 Clubs Deadline for Final Reports : April 15, 2019
District Grants: Grant Policy For 2019-20 Every club who applies and if their project accepted by the District/ RI - $500 with no match required from the club To receive over $500 : Clubs must match 1:1 - Subject to maximum of additional $500 Maximum grant from the District : $1000 - The actual amount may vary based on availability of funds vs grants applied for One grant per club Grants amount available : $66,288
District Grants 2019-20: Few Examples A B C 1.Project Cost 500 1000 1500 2. Club Amount 0 250 500 3. District Grant 500 750 1000
District Grants: Process for 2019-20 Apply thru Grant module on District web site A. Initial Application >>>> Approval by the District B. Full application with budget >>>> Approval by RI C. Final Report and Documents after completing the project >>>>> payment of the grant amount 2. Webinar on June 25, 2019 at 7 PM : To explain how to fill in applications on line 3. Deadline for applications : July 31, 2019 4. Submit final report latest by : April 15, 2020
District 7475 : PETS ( March 23, 2019) Global Grants This presentation will provide an overview of global grants and present ten ways that you can improve your global grant application.
Global Grants: Club Qualifications 1. Similar as District Grants: Attend Grant Management Seminar Club must enter 3 Goals in Club Central - Annual Fund/Polio/Membership Must be current with District dues 2. Additional Requirements: Submit signed copy of MOU No overdue reports or outstanding issues for previous global grants
Global Grants: Eligible Activities Support international activities within Rotary’s 6 Areas of Focus : Humanitarian Projects which address community needs Vocational Training Scholarships – International graduate level study
Global Grants: TRF Requirements Project minimum budget = $30,000 Must have Host Club and International club partnering : Host Driven 30% of funding from International partners. Any number of Clubs and Districts can join to support one project Community Assessment – New requirement Long term impact – Sustainability Community/ Rotarians involvement and focus on training Measurable outcomes
Global Grants: Financing the Project District 7475 will match club contribution 1:1 “First Come, First Served” basis - better to apply early in the year. TRF approves year round basis. Push for contributions from host club and their District. Approach other clubs in 7475 to join TRF will match 100% of DDF and 50% of club or private contributions
RESOURCES FOR CLUBS www.rotary.org/grants Guide to Global Grants “Rotary Ideas” “Rotary Showcase” Grant staff- District/RI Rotary has a number of resources to help you take full advantage of grant opportunities. My Rotary has a wealth of general and detailed information about grants. The newly updated Guide to Global Grants is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in designing and carrying out a global grant-funded project. Additional training manuals can help you successfully participate in grants, especially the district Rotary Foundation committee manual and the District Rotary Foundation Seminar Leader's Guide. The learning center offers training resources to help you apply for Foundation grants, including a newly updated course about how to build a global grant. And, as always, Rotary grants staff are available to answer questions.
Global Grants: District 7475 Status Report 2017-18 2018-19 Number GG applied for 12 9 Approved by TRF 9 6 Awaiting TRF approval 2 2 Declined 1 1 DDF amount* $87500 $51500 * For approved/awaiting approval