Smart Cities of High North 2040 2019, Bodø
Public Sector Civil Society Private Sector The Main Stakeholders in Smart City One of the key element of smart city is public private partnership; The future development of smart cities depend on the main stakeholders’ decision. Actor analyses play significant role in building smart cities. Public Sector Civil Society Private Sector
Assumptions Uncertainties ICT development Climate change Climate policy Population growth Urbanization Uncertainties Energy transition Civil participation Decentralization Private-public partnership Waste management Indigenous peoples’ rights Infrastructure Population age Smart city network
“Efficiency, Integration, Cooperation” Scenario 1 HarmoniCity “Efficiency, Integration, Cooperation” Key Characteristics: Strong interconnection between institutions; Green solutions & renewable energy; R&D investments; Automatization and digitalization; Culture molding
“Safety, Dependence, Protection” Scenario 2 Archangel “Safety, Dependence, Protection” Key Characteristics: Strong government influence; The high level of e-governance; High Cyber security and protection of data; High level of decentralization; Public private partnership is on the law level; Complete dependence on technology
“Ultraliberalism, High Tech, Insecurity” Scenario 3 Cuckoo bird “Ultraliberalism, High Tech, Insecurity” Key Characteristics: Low Citizen and Government involvement & High company’s influence; High-technological innovative infrastructure; Limited transparency; High quality services; Low personal Data and Protection
Technological catastrophe Wild Cards Natural disasters Technological catastrophe Robot attack Nuclear cloud
Thank you for attention! Made by Kapitan I., Tkachenko A., Kuznetsova E., Amaglobeli E., Braarud F., Mendes R., Sulaimanov A., Melnyk V., Wang C.