多维阅读第15级 Helping Hippos.


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Presentation transcript:

多维阅读第15级 Helping Hippos

Look at the picture and guess. 1. What is the animal in the picture? 2. What do you know about hippos? grass friends? enemies? in the river

Look at the title and guess. Helping Hippos 1. Why do you think hippos need help? 2. What may happen to them? Karen is sad. What happened to the hippo? If you were Karen, what would you do?

Read pp 4-9 and answer. no rain, drought, river dying up, starving 1. Why were there not as many hippos as there had been in Africa? no rain, drought, river dying up, Less place to live in. starving Nothing to eat.

Read pp 4-9 and answer. 2. What did Karen do to help hippos? Things to eat. put food in the river made waterholes build a dam Place to live in.

Read pp 10-13 and answer. What things does Karen know about hippos? Hippos like ...

Read pp 10-13 and answer. What things does Karen know about hippos? If a hippo charges ...

Read pp 10-13 and answer. What things does Karen know about hippos? Hippos make tracks ...

Read pp 10-13 and answer. What things does Karen know about hippos? Hippos keep the grass short ...

Discuss in groups. 1. Why do you think hippos are important? 2. If Karen didn’t help the hippos, what would happen to them? List at least two reasons.

Discuss and draw. What do you know about hippos? Please draw a mind-map about hippos and introduce it as the role of Karen.

Discuss and complete the mind-map. Please complete the mind-map and introduce it to the class. Hello, everyone. I'm ... Today I want to introduce something that happened in Africa ...

Discuss in groups. 1. What put the hippos in danger? 2. What can we do to prevent that?

Assignment Option 1: 学生与小组成员合作,帮助Karen制作一张海报,号召更多的人来帮助河马,并在全班进行展示。

Thank you!